Author Topic: Round WB02 output as Vems 2nd wideband  (Read 9190 times)

Offline fphil

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Round WB02 output as Vems 2nd wideband
« on: April 11, 2013, 12:03:49 pm »
Hi. I would like to use wbo2 output of my Round as a  2nd wideband input for the Vems which config would be 2nd wideband enabled. This would allow to get the benefit of the new 1.2.13 fw upgrade.
An additional circuit is probably needed to connect the Round output to the 2nd Nersnt input EC18 pin1.
Does someone know  how pin 1 input is configured when 2nd wideband is enabled ? or what could be made?

Offline Sprocket

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Re: Round WB02 output as Vems 2nd wideband
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2013, 12:59:29 pm »
Second wideband on the V3 is wired directly to the V3 much in the same way as the first wideband is. Having second wideband in the ECU defeats the object of the separate Round WBo2, other than to have as an AIM display device, unless you really need three chanels of wideband?..........................

You could use an analog input to read the analog output of the Round WBO2 and then scale that so it reads in lambda.

See recent topic in wiring and sensors for how to get your built in second chanel wideband functional.

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Re: Round WB02 output as Vems 2nd wideband
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2013, 08:45:58 am »
Thanks for your tips. Yes, I have read how to install the 2nd Vems wideband and I know I can go AIM or use an analog input.

The point is that I got the Round already installed in the car and that I would like the possible benefit of fw1.2.13 + which should dedicate wideband to cylinders.
I thought that if I could input on Pin 1 the expected nersnt signal  while Vems 2nd wideband config is enabled, this could cheat the ecu, be minimum work, economy of pins, etc.
Do you think this could work and what the nersnt signal expected pin1 ?

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Re: Round WB02 output as Vems 2nd wideband
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2013, 06:37:29 pm »
For the sake of integrity of your engine, a few box mods and a little wiring, you should really consider wiring the second wideband directly to the V3.

As I understand it, the signal from the wideband sensor is more complex than just a voltage output of the Nernst cell, as there is the Pump cell to deal with too.

Offline fphil

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Re: Round WB02 output as Vems 2nd wideband
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2013, 11:10:19 am »
As I understand it, the signal from the wideband sensor is more complex than just a voltage output of the Nernst cell, as there is the Pump cell to deal with too.
Yes probably. Except feeding directly the input AD pin of the processor, which is weird. I would see. Anyway Vems does not offer (yet) fully sequential injection for my car ( maserati biturbo) and I do not get (yet) the 1.2.13 benefit of the double wideband update.