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New project on the now classic Audi ABZ v8 4.2

Started by Dangerrous, June 10, 2012, 02:43:50 PM

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Been looking around..... is this true for our vems circuitry, Stacking stepper chips for extra current?

'Faster, cheaper, smaller, better, right? The SN754410 Quad Half H-Bridge is just that. Capable of driving high voltage motors using TTL 5V logic levels, the SN754410 can drive 4.5V up to 36V at 1A continuous output current!

For even higher current applications, it is possible to physically stack two devices on top of each other to get almost 2 A of drive current.The SN754410 is a quad half H-bridge IC. This allows the chip to either control 4 motors in one direction using the 4 half H-bridges or to control 2 motors in both directions using a full H-bridge for each motor.

The following shows the connections for controlling 2 motors in either direction using 2 full H-bridges'

This would save/solve so many power issues I'm reading about on the forum ;D


I've torn the car down for a respray/rebuild, so away from the car area I've soldered in the new stepper chipS.
I'll drive my control valves via a secondary relay box to limit the strain on the chip, I'll also use a flyback diode (as recommended by Hilly amongst others) for the idle solenoid.
As the solenoid has been checked at 1.6amps full load, I'm hoping a zener diode and the stacked chips will fair a little better than my last attempt.
I've metered the new chip to it's various outputs and they are all fine, I caught one of the copper layers so was mindfull to double check this one

you can just see the lifted copper strand on the second picture, it's the second pin on the right


Hi, I realise it's been a while since my last post but I'm getting ready to put the engine back in the car, so, on the vems side, I need to clarify my safe power issues with my idle solenoid valve, I'll be bypassing the internal chip to a more robust    ON SEMICONDUCTOR,NTD5867NLT4G,MOSFET,N CH,W DIODE,60V,20A,DPAK   but I still want to install a flyback diode, any suggestions as to what one would be sufficient for a 1.6amp collapsing field on 12volts?
cheers in advance


Okay, so tested the new stepper chips- FAIL!
I did this mod sometime back and I've been reading up on and watching electronics tutorials just to get my head around the inside of the vems. The unit is out of warranty and it was my mistake that blew up the stepper chip, so I took it to a friend who confirmed that all 4 logic circuits to the stepper were okay  ;D  The stepper's duties were to run 3 solenoid valves and a fan relay for extra air circulation in the engine bay, too much for a little ol' stepper. Here's where Hilly's advice has been taken on board for the board, I have removed the stepper chip and wired up Four 3amp Hexfets with schottky diodes in flyback configuration for protection.
I plugged in the board and it all works, v happy ;D
Two smiley faces, must have been a good day

Total cost £10


Here's a vid of the engine running, still needs a vast amount of tuning, I'm going to alter the exhaust for a higher pitched sound, I'm in discussion with my exhaust supplier/designer. The alternator bearings are shot, that's the metallic sound coming from the engine bay


Well almost 3 years later the engine is set up and dyno'd
Thanks to Gunni for his time and the guys at ATSPEED racing in Rayleigh Essex

Now to finally put on the body :)


nice, and nice to see someone maps Vems in uk :))
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


I've learned a lesson when it comes to aftermarket ECU's,
When it comes to really setting up an ECU, very few people actually know what they're doing.

Gunni explained every action he carried out, but to be honest I'd have to work on ecu's to fully understand the fundementals of programming.
Finding a capable vems  programmer willing to work on the unit is hard work, even Gunni was so busy that we did most of the work while he was in Germany. (we used team viewer)
All of the dyno tuners that I contacted were limited to ignition, injection and ve tables, mention PID ICV and they run a mile.
I really don't know the answer, I'm not part of the ECU world to know who rules the UK for aftermarket equipment.


Quote from: Dangerrous on October 01, 2016, 08:30:06 AM
I've learned a lesson when it comes to aftermarket ECU's,
When it comes to really setting up an ECU, very few people actually know what they're doing.

Gunni explained every action he carried out, but to be honest I'd have to work on ecu's to fully understand the fundementals of programming.
Finding a capable vems  programmer willing to work on the unit is hard work, even Gunni was so busy that we did most of the work while he was in Germany. (we used team viewer)
All of the dyno tuners that I contacted were limited to ignition, injection and ve tables, mention PID ICV and they run a mile.
I really don't know the answer, I'm not part of the ECU world to know who rules the UK for aftermarket equipment.
people have to understand that there is 2 different things, ecu calibration and ecu mapping :) calibration is to make everything working properly, mapping is to make power from it :D
and every tuner have they own ecu brand what they like :))
Vems installer in Lithuania
[email protected]


Hullo, I don't suppose you might post your config file for our inspection?

Audi ABZ 4.2 V8 in 1993 90 quattro
TTV 60-2 flywheel and cam sync
firmware: 1.2.20

Smurf blue (BMW Laguna Seca), hence the name!


no probs, i'll do it the weekend when i'm by the car


Hiya,  did you ever get to sharing that Map?  I'm about to start on a similar project and although I'll probably go to Rayleigh for the tune, it would be good to have a simple map to get it running :)


I can forward what ever you want, just let me know and I'll try to do it the weekend, (tune computer is also my work computer, which is at the head office till the weekend)