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Audi 90 with AAN/GTX3071 - Tuning Time

Started by Marty, June 06, 2012, 02:26:56 AM

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hehe, I'm sorry I misinterpreted again. I thought you wanted see only the 1 ignition event so I changed the setting to only use "00". This would not be reflected in the config file though.
-Aside from cranking speed, I assumed the plot would be the same.
I did take one with all 5 just prior to the single Ign, here is a link.

-I'll try ,your config file this evening (unless this triggerlog makes a difference?).

Thank you!


Then OK. You can try to start the engine with my corrected config.


fired right up, and idles at ~1600 rpm.
I didn't capture any logs yet because I still need to wire in injector resistors, and a fuse/diode to my ISV.
More to come!

boostd audi

whats your key on wire going to.  put a scope or meter on the key on wire and make sure it has power not only with key on but in the cranking posisition as well.

i had someone wire the key on to the radio and the ecu would loose power while cranking..

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2


Thanks! /\ /\ -Got that part sorted out.

Here is a link to the current log file. Runs pretty steady but I have a few things to handle still. Seems my EGT thermocouple is either wired backward, or something else is wrong, also need to reassign my injectors. Then on to some basic tuning!
-Winter is here though, so this'll be hibernating soon, for most of the next 4 months.


Well, all of my installation issues are now resolved, and I'm am getting my base fuel maps tuned in and tweaking values here and there. I'm running into a situation and I don't know where to look first for troubleshooting. I can accelerate well up until about 3000 RPM and 100 KPA, but then I feel the engine rapidly pulsing and rpms, MAP etc bouncing up and down. It's a slight bounce, but it's very regular (about 10 hz maybe). This seems to be severely limiting my power output as well  ???
I suspect it's something like my boost controller, IAC or something else but I was wondering if anything stands out in this image, and what settings I should look at(?).
Here's a shot of my log

Any thoughts?
Thank you!


Upload the .vemslog of the problem instead of the screenshot.

I had this similar (yet unsolved) problem at about 3300 rpm on an Audi S2 and never got it fixed. No trigger errors or anything, just a slight misfire at a certain rpm. Car worked like a charm on every other rpm, passed emissions tests and everything.  It was at a very specific rpm too.



Config file (Don't mind the file name)

You can see from a quick scan of the previous image that it's not at exactly a set rpm, but it does not occur until I'm in the positive pressure range.
Also of note is the saw tooth shape at regular intervals. To me, this suggests a controller, or configuration setting that is 'pulling back' or something. The power seems very weak while this is happening... perhaps my timing is just horrible in these ranges...
I tried disabling the boost controller so far and it did not affect anything, next I'll try the IAC, and then I'm not sure. Racking my brain here...


I don´t know if it´s 5cyl specific but you are getting strange individual power measurements.

IP 2 and 4 seem to be 200uS offset vs IP 0 and then IP3 is -300uS offset again.
All that changes fairly instantly at 3700rpm in the boost portion of the log.

Also your boost solenoid is ramped to 100% which doesn´t make good sense to me.
I´d also reccomend you go over your settings and disable anything you are not specifically using.

I can´t see a ecu problem from the log.


Thanks for the note, these numbers refer to the ignition power outputs? I'm not sure how to understand the positive and negative values(?).

Here's my list of "To do's" after I looked over every configuration page last night
Note: All of these are given with my novice level of understanding

1) set spark dwell to 2.3ms (Could be related to the power issue)
2) disable cam slop adjustment (do I still need this? it was set for troubleshooting, but turned out to Not be the issue)
3) Cam sensor to Falling? (Hall sensor, currently set as "rising", but I'm not having any triggering issues. Maybe not necessary)
4) injector model method (should I try the Simple method instead, perhaps traditional is a poor model for my setup?)
5) ignition and injector order correct? (Gints gave me the reconfigured base map, but I seem to recall he said I may need to re-order my injectors. I'm not sure whether injection order is handled in the code logic, or if I use the same order as ignition?)
Note: My Ignition and Injector outputs correspond with the cylinder. Ign[0] and Inj[0] = cylinder 1, and so on
6) Test overall Boost controller functionality
disable adjustabe fuel cut (Not sure I need this)
7) MAT TPS fuel enrichment doesnt seem right (need to work out what proper values should be)
8) What is the MAP correction table for, compensating for non-linear sensor values?
9) Accel enrich Fadeout increase to .86s (Wanted to do this to compensate for lambda spike on throttle close, maybe not necessary; but what exactly is this for otherwise?)
10) Drop warmup enrichment curve to zero at 60c (Seems to stay in Warmup for a long time, and sometimes re-enter warmup while driving)
11) IAC Close delay is set at 40s? (Can this be right? If so, I'm guessing it's 40s after startup; but shouldn't the IAC be closed on Startup?
12) IAC cranking same thought as above, shouldn't this be a low value to increase fuel denstiy?
13) boost control to prior values
14) Misc output 1 -> 4000(min), Min MAP 250 ( I have the relay for a water/meth pump attached to this output. Will increase the activation threshold to peak output range)
15) Tach Channel to 3 (Tach not working, I have the value set incorrectly at pin 4, but it should be pin 3)
16) CLT Sensor to bosch standard. (I'm a little concerned because I unknowingly drove about 15 miles yesterday, twice with no cooling fan. Turns out my relay was cooked, so I pulled into a parts store to get a new one and started paying attention to how hot it feels. This thing is getting awfully hot, just about enough to melt the harness... I suspect either the fan is on it's way out or the fan is running way longer than it should due to incorrect CLT curve,  or my setting alone. -I'm pretty sure it's the fan and the other 2 are unlikely options, but I don't like being uncertain about the numbers I'm seeing. I never saw above 101 C during those 2 trips, and I thought it should be a lot warmer with no fan.

I'm going to research and investigate these one by one. Any tips would be helpful!


1) Isn't 2.3 ms dwell very short for the LS2 coils?
2) Disable it.
3) Falling it is. But you can leave it as is.
4) Doesn't matter for your problem.
5) Doesn't matter for your problem.
6) Running 1.2.9+ ? Has a much improved boost controller.
7) MAT/TPS enrichment should be ok in this file :
Lowest 0% TPS row can be raised above the tuned temperature to compensate for badly installed MAT sensors (heat soak)
8 ) MAP compensation is for hot cammed individual throttle body turbo engines. The main VE table is TPS/RPM and this table is tuned as the boost is raised (default 100% in all cells)
9) Accel fade out should be 0.2-0.3 secs. It's how long the enrichment lasts everytime you accelerate.

11) Close delay is how long after the engine leaves idle control that the valve actually closes to your set minimum open position/duty.  The delay helps hides the fact that the valve closes, as the driver must compensate with more throttle if the closed position is in fact a "closed" position that lets no air through.
12) Without air, the engine will not fire.
13) Or new boost controller code in more recent firmware.


Thank you for the tips. I'll work on these details and report back.
- I could still use help identifying how to relate ignition order to injector order to get to 'nominal'. there's a missing link in my mind.
I'm at version 1.2.11.


Individual power graphs is poorly documented and hard to understand/visualize.
It's easy to access through the injector calibration screen.
Just yank the  nr 1 cylinder injector connector, and watch which of the pillars drop. Each correspond to a row in the ignition and injection output tables.


wow... I looked at those graphs and they are quite confusing. Guess I'll do some reading,
but I wasn't sure where to find the calibration screen you were referring to.
Also noticed that I never leave Warmup... I've looked at everything and don't see any issues. Maybe I put a celcius value in somewhere where a binary value is required??? 


You have 100C° as  your maximum for warmup.
It should be something like 70°C.

After that point it´ll be running no warmup.

What mattias is refering too is in Vemstune - View - Group - Injector Calibration.
There you can see individual cylinder timing (kind off).

Here is some info on individual power.