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Audi 90 with AAN/GTX3071 - Tuning Time

Started by Marty, June 06, 2012, 02:26:56 AM

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Not the right log. I meant .triggerlog file.
Tools->Record triggerlog. For some reason PC connection stays stable for this test.


Well it turns out your suggestion to check compression was a good one for now. Found zero compression in cylinder 2. I pulled the head yesterday and investigated today. Both intake valves on that cylinder seem to be stuck slightly open. Odd since I had a machine shop spec it and replace guides and seals not too long ago. I'll bring it back on Monday to see if they can determine what happened.
- regarding the stable vemslog, that's likely to the reduced load on the starter from having only 1 plug in. I'm looking into possible causes for an excessive voltage drop when cranking.
I'll have to get back in a few days when I have my head back and installed.



Nothing yet. I've done tons more investigation and have figured out a few things:
- my freshly spec'd head has a a set of stuck intake valves, so it's in the shop right now.
- I'm suspicious of my fuel, since the car ha been in the garage for almost a year now
(perhaps the cause of the valve problem)
- I think my alternator supply wire may not have been connected, and may be whats causing the ecu to reset while cranking. this is likely the real problem.
I'm out of town at the moment, but my plan is to reinstall the head when I get home, drain the tank and add fresh fuel, then fix (or continue to diagnose) the power supply issues
Should have more results in a week I'd say.


We had similar problem with few rebuilt VAG heads.  Reason was really bad quality valve guides. And it was pain to find quality ones.


Quote from: Marty on August 03, 2012, 08:42:43 PM
Nothing yet. I've done tons more investigation and have figured out a few things:
- my freshly spec'd head has a a set of stuck intake valves, so it's in the shop right now.
- I'm suspicious of my fuel, since the car ha been in the garage for almost a year now
(perhaps the cause of the valve problem)
- I think my alternator supply wire may not have been connected, and may be whats causing the ecu to reset while cranking. this is likely the real problem.
I'm out of town at the moment, but my plan is to reinstall the head when I get home, drain the tank and add fresh fuel, then fix (or continue to diagnose) the power supply issues
Should have more results in a week I'd say.

Hoping for the best man, seems like your config issues are sorted...and the guides definitely make sense!

Good luck!


Ok, so tons of progress over the last few weeks getting the engine bay cleaned up, reinstalling everything and bundling wires etc., not to mention putting my interior/dash back in.
I've been trying to start it again for a few days now, and I've discovered that the (secondary)cam trigger is out of phase.
For the sake of discussion, lets say my firing order is 1,2,3,4,5;
According to all of the documentation, I should set my "Ignition settings Visual" to:
1,5,4,3,2 (and the same with Injectors). I'm wondering if this is why my cam is out of phase with the software triggering.
- Would the logical solution be to set my Ignition and injectors to 1,2,3,4,5 instead?


how far off is the ignition from where it should be, an exact 360° ?


it 'appears' to be an exact 360. I judged by flashing a timing light at the bottom of the cam sprocket (Cam TDC marker is at the top). It appears to be exactly opposite the TDC marker.


It's been a while since I've been in my garage trying to figure this out, but I'm still not coming up with anything. I've had a few discussions and so on, but no one's offered a definitive reply.
- I'm wondering what I would configure differently if my cam trigger is occurring out of phase. -I can not (even remotely easily) move the sensor, so I would like to do it with the software.
I'm not sure exactly where to put such a change in though.. Trigger table?, Ignition firing order? etc.
Can anyone help? I verified the Cam is out of phase using a timing light on the cam sprocket.
-I've been told that there is no way to correct this in the software but I can't see how that would be true(!?)

Again it's a 5 cylinder, running a 60-2 tooth/VR sensor on the crank. It has a 1 window Hall sender on the cam


Try to publish .triggerlog with only plug #1 instaled. Preferable two: one with camsync "falling" another - "rising"

And also your .vemsconfig

Otherwise it's just speculations.



Ahh yes, I've forgotten to do this. I will this evening


Here's a link to the trigger log

And a link to the config file


Yes firing point was off.
Here is config for you to try. Because of camsync in "wrong" revolution firing order now starts from 5th cylinder: 5 3 1 2 4

Config contains many small changes with successful start as target.

Anyway - there is one thing what confuses me: your triggerlog contains just one spark event instead of five per cycle. Try to upload my config and start with triggerlog again. If you still see just one spark event for first try 1.1.95 or 1.2.0

Injector outputs later should be changed to match ignition table. But it has not big influence on startup.
