While I was trying to set the Round WB02 in AIM listener mode and get the GenBoard to send AIM data, the GenBoard got into the "Safe Mode", for some reason, and I had ignition and injection switched off, even after reboot etc ...
- There are options for "Safety mode" which are offered at BaseSetUp/ECUCalibration and a specific help for those. I read the explanation 2 or 3 times without success.
Finally I had to reload the config.
Does someone know how to get rid of the mode the soft way ? and beside, any explanation for that mode?
As for AIM, my purpose was to have the A/F values for the right bank of the engine (biturbo 6 cylinder see FPHIL page), as computed by the genboard, written on the Round screen right under the A/F value computed by Round for the left bank.
At some point I realized that the Round firmware version has to be 0.x.x and that the fw 1.x.x does no work ! Do you have an explanation?