Author Topic: Trickflow 120lb injector settings?  (Read 6978 times)

Offline JohnP

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Trickflow 120lb injector settings?
« on: May 04, 2012, 06:21:46 am »
 I have been running a set of Trickflow #TFS-89120 120lb 1261cc injectors with E85. I have been having good success with the latest version vems.
 I have been running the tune with some injector settings that may be inferior to ideal settings. I cant remember where I obtained the values to use in these settings.

 My current settings are:

 Injector voltage compensation strategy --traditional
 Injector open time @13.2v --0us
 Injector effective ramp up -- 1008us --possibly wrong?
 Injector rampup voltage compensation--4080us
 Injector voltage compensation--304us --possibly wrong?
 I am not certain of how to determine the proper ramp up and voltage compensation. Any clear formula or even proper values to use would be most helpful..

 Overall the car runs well. has a solid controlled afr target at 18psi. Makes more power with the vems then all other engine controllers I've used to date.  Thank you John
« Last Edit: May 04, 2012, 06:24:31 am by JohnP »