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5cyl engine, 60-2 without hall - wasted spark, how to

Started by guzior, March 21, 2012, 11:43:46 AM

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I have problem with configure 60-2 trigger without hall in 5 cyl engine on VEMS.
Do you have any sugestion to it?
I'm thinking about run it like a 10cyl engine in wasted spark (if 6 cyl can run on 60-2 without hall (something like 3 cyl engine) why 5 cyl can't?


It can't be done without camsync.
5-cyl engines always need full sync when running without distributor.

You can run wastedspark, but camsync is still required.
The cylinders that fires at the same time in wastedspark arent at TDC at the same time.

2 cylinders are always at tdc together on a evenfire 6cyl (or 4cyl, 8cyl) and allows you to fire those two together.

Edit. It maybe possible to run the ignition as two stroke.... Not with current firmware anyway.


Why not with current firmware??? For me it seems it allow to fire coils in such way.

5ciliner engine
two stroke (not sure)
next tooth 12
tooth table 0 12 24 36 48

cylinder fired 1 5 2 3 4   from 1 w 2 w 4 w 5 w 3 w  and r 5 r 3 r 1 r 2 r 4 r (w- wasted r-real)


"Two stroke is Obsolete, multiply cilinder number by two and use wasted spark "

So you could probably run it as a 10cyl and configure tables as you say GintsK, but then you get two-stroke injection as well with current firmware..


Injection will be unphased. But there is "divider".  Divider 2 would be OK in this case. It will give injection every second spark event.


I have connected:
1 cyl to output 0
2 cyl to output 1
3 cyl to output 2
4 cyl to output 3
5 cyl to output 4

when 1 cyl is in tdc, trigger is on 7 teeth, counting from 1 teeth over the gap.

Can anyone write me proper configuration (with primary trigger config, trigger reference table, ignition autpu and basic and constans)??

V8, R6, V6, R4 etc work realy good and i haven't got any problem with configuration...


Try so:

10 cylinder engine
four stroke
TDC after the trigger 72
first trigger tooth 6
next tooth 12
angular width 6deg

tooth table from bottom to top: 0 12 24 36 48

cylinder fired  5 2 3 4 1
IGN outputs 4 1 2 3 0  (again from bottom to top)

still 5 injectors in weird order (above) but with divider=2



Quotecylinder fired  5 2 3 4 1
IGN outputs 4 1 2 3 0  (again from bottom to top)
But firing order is 1 2 4 5 3. I don't know what is mean


Yes. But coil firing sequence for wasted spark is 1 5 2 3 4 1 5 2 3 4


I try everything but engine won't start. Any ideas?

[email protected]

Is the timing light showing you anything of use?  You must surely be able to get ignition on Cylinder one


Car start and work on 1krpm. When I open throttle engine get stupid and stop. It's like Vems lose synchronisation. But i haven't got trigger error


Can you post .triggerlog file at cranking and .vemslog file when engine runs on 1000rpm?