Technical > Wiring & Sensors
TIM rev counter
Does anyone know if the TIM rev counter need a 5v or 12v pull up for the rev signal ?
My rev counter didn't come with an instruction.
Is it meant to be connected to the coil '-' ?
If so 12v will be okay. I'd take a 1K resistor inline with the tacho signal in, and bounce the open end off the + terminal of the battery.
I can't understand why the diodes arent giving the right signal for you?
If it's supposed to go to a coil -ve, then the counter may well be expecting a high voltage (ie 350v or more) signal caused as the magnetic field breaks down. In this case, the voltage must be duplicated with an inductive pullup - naturally, diode protection should be used to protect the ECU.
In that case the 18V zener diode is reducing the voltage too much for the rev counter.
Thanks for the help here.
I have no idea why the diode don't work, the rev counter is just not responding.
Talking about pull up, which of the following connection is correct?
Option 1:
Option 2:
Sorry about my lack of electronic understanding.
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