Author Topic: A/C and idle control  (Read 22518 times)

Offline AVP

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #15 on: June 07, 2012, 07:15:44 am »
If you read what PID stands for through the interent, you may realise that having a high D may actually produce problems.

From my experience in having a high D in my car, never worked, because idle never came back to the defined level. It always stood higher than normal, as it went into a uncontrolled loop. It may be working if other settings are off from the idle specs.

Mattias has posted a procedure to get the idle to work properly on this forum. Search it. It seems to work!

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #16 on: June 07, 2012, 12:26:56 pm »
Because of high D value idle do not stood or cycles somewhere. It becomes "noisy".
Cycling can be result  from too high P or high I together with too wide I-limit. It also can be a result from bad fueling at idle region or too steep ignition map close to idle region.
Sticking above target is result from too high ref position together with too low I and/or I-limit.

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2012, 01:56:09 pm »
I followed mattias guide and it worked very values were very low if I recall correctly. There was no cycling and target was fine until it became rather warm here and I had extra load from A/C.  Adding the big d stopped that and the car hits the target of 900 rpms every time.  Regardless,  I don't doubt that you guys are right in saying that there is a lackluster setting or two, but it works, so I'm not sure what the rationale for changing it would be? ???

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2012, 02:53:45 pm »
Essentially whatever works for you. On my car high D and low p and i made it only good for certain situations and carp on others.

Offline fizban

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #19 on: July 07, 2012, 06:24:56 pm »
I  incorporated several of Mattias suggestions.
1 - ignition is now 10 degrees at idle. (950rpm) the cells are configured to be 10 degrees on the 900rpm column
2 - I now have a 700rpm column which ignition is 17 degrees, to help the engine recover.

This helps when the car is with A/C off. It didn't stall even once without A/C. it still falls to 800rpm, but recovers.

I noticed that idle kpa ia 37-40 without A/C and with A/C its 47kpa. so  i added fuel in the 700rpm, 50 kpa cell - thinking it might help the engine to recover after releasing the throttle.
Well, it works a little better, but still, rpm drops to less that 500rpm when releasing the throttle from 1500rpm onward. If released from 2500 rpm and above, it might stall (maybe it related to fuel cut settings? 2500 cut, 1900 resume)?

Also - when A/C is on - ignition is advanced to 18 degrees (i guess by the idle control - which is limited to 8 degrees advance). maybe i need more advance at the 50kpa, 900rpm cell?

Offline AVP

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #20 on: July 07, 2012, 06:29:02 pm »
dont let too much distance between fuel cut and resume. Just leave 100rpm. ie. 1900-2000 wherever it works better for you..

if you have configured everything well, then the main thing to do is to tune PID. As i said it will have different values for different engines, and the best you tune that, the less drops you will get.

having higher timing or fuel below the idle rpm, was never required for me.

Also make sure the ignition timing idle control is able to make it's changes fast.

Offline fizban

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #21 on: July 07, 2012, 08:23:17 pm »
Thanks, AVP
How do i know if it works well, 2000-1900 for instance? Should i see changes engine recover when settling down?

The advance rate of change is 15 deg/256rpm
and the threshold for IAC is 2 deg
my pid settings are rather awkward, but that  how it came with the unit (pnp)  - PID  is 10/15/200
Integral decease is 3 and increase is 8  (i dont know what these do)

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2012, 09:41:04 pm »
I've taken a log file in idle with and without AC and got some very interesting stuff



Here is a pic with the summary of what i saw - i've plotted points on it to explain my understanding on them:

Point A: Start of the file (no A/C). You can see  the idle is 941 rpm. You can see EGO correction is 93% and gamma enrichment is 87%. 
The correction is so high because of the MAT/TPS (default to 94%) and MAT temp of 46 degrees. I can (and) will tune it to minimal correction - but as MAT temp changes, it will go off scale again.

Point B: Then i press the throttle a little bit and you can see the excessive AE kicking in. You can see that RPM a little below 900rpm.  Then it settles down and lambda is getting back to 1.

Point C: I push harder on the throttle. This time mixture is getting lean before settling down (i dont have a clue why - probably related to AE tuning). RPM again got below 900.

Point D: I then turn on A/C. you can see that EGO is off since its tuned now to stop below 800 (RPM dropped to 790). You can see mixture is rich (no EGO to correct).

Point E: I then press a little on the paddle  Get richer because of AE and rpm drops to 600 and recover.
Point F: Now i press a little harder, rpm drops to 500. almost stalls  - and recovers.
Point G: Then - something interesting happens!  lambda is almost ok now. around 0.98! The thing is that at that point, the fans kicked in on high speed - voltage dropped from 13.76 to 12.5!  So this means that injector opening time got slower - leaning the mixture.

you dont see it in here, but i turned off the A/C and EGO went back at 100/101% correction - because of the lower voltage.

So besides the A/C problem. I have an issue with the fans kicking at high speed - voltage is dropping and if i was boosting - it could be very dangerous to the engine!
How can i compensate the lower voltage?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 09:47:38 pm by fizban »

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2012, 09:45:09 pm »
Just pm me your email and the configure and I will try to do some corrections for you.

I will send you mine with whatever I can explain.

Pm me some of the details of the engine and location of isv

Offline fizban

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Re: A/C and idle control
« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2012, 09:55:20 pm »
PMed. Thanks!