Author Topic: SOLVED: Bad Sec Trigger on FD RX7 (VR sensor)  (Read 7446 times)

Offline DButters

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SOLVED: Bad Sec Trigger on FD RX7 (VR sensor)
« on: November 13, 2011, 05:45:09 am »
Sorry for the double post, but I just really want to make sure I am not fighting dodgy hardware before I go and pull all the tools I need from work to figure out my problem:

from my project thread:

I took a look at the VR sensor signals during cranking.
- noise: ~100mV pk-pk Secondary, ~50mV pk-pk Primary
- signals: ~1.5V pk-pk

Confirmed 12 primary, 1 secondary pulse. The issue is the noise, generating false triggers on the secondary.

Improvement #1:
- I changed the 0R at R182 with a 100K (is 150K on primary VR circuit)
- added the solder blob to pull up pin 5 of the LM1815 to Vcc
grounded the sensor -ve directly next to the LM1815's
- this got the car running, at 500-690rpm, trigger logs show all good from cranking up to this speed

New Problem:

I now cannot bring the engine up past this speed, it starts generating false secondary triggers, the noise gets worse with RPM.
I am concerned that my board has issues, as it is was supplied in October 2006, could this be a problem:

I will try this anyway, and with attempt to put further filtering on the input - are there any recommendations on this before I calculate a suitable RC filter?

trigger log here shows the false sec triggers:
« Last Edit: November 14, 2011, 07:48:37 am by DButters »

Offline DButters

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Re: Bad Sec Trigger on FD RX7 (VR sensor)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2011, 07:48:12 am »
Solved - I required 1K pulldown on the input, and 1uF on the timing input of the LM1815.