Author Topic: Audi S6 AAN pnp  (Read 6573 times)

Offline z0tya

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Audi S6 AAN pnp
« on: September 23, 2011, 06:23:40 am »
We install a pnp vems to Audi s6 with motronic connector, so it seems bolt on job.
Using 1.1.96 fw.
I have found a vems/motronic pinout on here, and it says need a schottky flyback to iac.
Need it? Or built in the ecu case?
We tried to measure which pin is +12v which pin is the switched gnd at the iac connector, but not found the +12v. Is it get 12 at cranking only?
The car has a digital boost gauge, can I use the built in boost-gauge function in vems, or it works onyl with older modell?
When I enable the output nothing happen.
The car has a trip computer to, is it work with vems-pnp?
The spreadsheet says need 1k * 10uF. What is it meen?