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Can't get good trigger after upgrade from 1.1.44alpha2 to 1.1.95

Started by Grant, September 02, 2011, 12:05:36 AM

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I have a 4age engine with the factory 24+1 cam angle sensor.

The car was running fine but I was using the ancient megatune for tuning.
I switched to the latest version of Vemstune and upgraded firmware to 1.1.95.  Vems tune created a config with a couple of errors, one had something to do with hall dirac, but I turned that off.

Anyways, I'm getting primary and secondary trigger errors. 

Anyone know a good way to attach the files?  I usually just use the paperclip icon on other BB's...


Try starting with a clean config and set all values again by hand or import them
one item at a time. Check your config in a texteditor like winmerge.

Open a memberspage
and upload the files to the file airea


Thanks for the tips.  I did indeed start with the default config after the first compiled config didn't work.  Same problem, and some areas didn't make sense?  I don't think a car could have run on the default config. 

I forgot you can upload files to the members page, I will do that later today and report back here when it is done.



One of the developers, Keith Hargrove, recommended that I upgrade from 1.44 to a.95 in 1.56 to 1.65 to 1.78 , etc. 

Does that sound like a sound plan?  I think it will take forever but if that has a good chance of success maybe I should go that route?


If you're upgrading from an old firmware, just do the upgrade to the latest in one step - there is nothing to be gained by going to intermediate versions as everything has changed. You will require a VE retune anyway but can (of course) reuse the ignition and lambda target  map.

The default config files are shit, try using the one from my signature instead and just change whatever pertains to your engine instead. In VemsTune you can just drag'n'drop your old .vemscfg file over the dialogs where you wish to keep your settings (ignition+ lambda target map, etc..).

Posting your vemscfg (or vemslog) and triggerlog can help a lot.


Do what mattias sugest if that Doesnt work write down the values on paper and just fill them in to make a clear new config.
Your config could be corrupted, so a new config to be certain.
Check trigger values in a text editor like winmerge.



andreNL:  The trigger values from the old config  that are still useful  transfer to the new config file format when you upgrade, no need for paperwork. If not, just drag'n'drop the old config file over each trigger setting dialog. There are lots of new settings for the trigger, make sure to disable anything suspicious..
You WILL need to setup and strobe the ignition timing before putting fuel into the engine after an upgrade like this.


Yes but i think he did a standard upgrade,
Downloaded Latest vemstune
Downloaded firmware Through webtool
Downloaded config from ecu
Uploaded firmware
and uploaded config when asked for
Then he turned of ignition off and on
Started the engine and got the errors.
So if wiring and electronics work ok
Then corrupted config seems to be most logical fault.


Yes thats what I did.  But I unplugged fuel and coil while burning firmware of course. 

I strobed right after and it would only get spark once in a while.  I think the problem is just the trigger issues.


Quote from: andreNL on September 05, 2011, 06:26:44 PMand uploaded config when asked for
Then he turned of ignition off and on
Started the engine and got the errors.
This is NOT how you do it. Config must be validated and trigger (make triggerlog and use strobe light) and other sensor functions and outputs must be verified.

Upload a vemscfg and give us a web link, the only way to get proper help.

Read :
Upload :

You can also use the built-in feature of VemsTune, the Help menu -> "Sharing center". Provide your vemscfg and provide us with a link.


Aha ok thx, i didnt know that  ;D

Can you try again and press the validate button?
Iam curious what comes up after you pressed it.

I had a simular problem but not ignition but injectors, only one was firing a couple of revs.
Turned out it wrong values in the config but vemstune did not overwrite them with the wright values. I delete the lines in the config and started vemstune again to save new values and evrything worked fine.