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Rare trigger problem couple of trig errors

Started by andreNL, August 28, 2011, 03:53:04 PM

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Strange problem sometimes i have random trigger errors.
Yesterday i stranded om the motorway, engine died in the middle of the road
Pulled over and stwitched off ignition. Thought sensor came of but Tried
starting engine fired up again and i drove home whitout a problem.
I read someone had the same problem using firmware 1.1.94 like i have with
Latetst VT build. After uploading the firmware in i uploaded the 1.1.85 config.
I checked log and in one hour driving i had 3 errors at random rpm and loads.
No other problems.
Any suggestions?
Cheers andre
around 3 minutes and 6 minutes you can see whats happening

Checked cranck sensor today and replaced the main relais maybe it was faulty but still same problem   :-[
Funny thing its only giving a trigger error under light load/ cruising conditions

In the Wiki i read "this feature was implemented in 1.1.92 and worked well for SD-card swap, but if the SD-card was removed but another card not inserted (or SD-card logging was enabled with card not installed at all), the reinit attempt disabled interrupts for milliseconds (not microseconds), causing occasional trigger-error. Fixed in 1.1.94 : Now enabling SD-card does not cause trigger-error even if card is not installed (This cannot cause trigger-error in <1.1.92 since it does not try to reinitialize the card again and again, only at startup). "
I still have the SD-log Invalid and Knock channel disabling problem and have no SD-card installed.
These are probeply related to the trigger error problem, because SD-log has a unreconigzed value 'Invalid' wich could trigger 1.1.95 to reinitelize.
Wil try a new fresh VT and firmware 1.1.95 install tonight and see if the problems are solved because of the fresly installed *.ini files.


Update: changed firmware back to 1.1.85 and problem of resetting ecu seems to be solved .