That warning is not uncommon, you will find that if you go into:
c:\Archivos de programa\VemsMT1.0.73FordRST\VEMS Genboard V3 12x12 Standard
That a file called Audit.log has been created, the details of the fault will be in there.
The firmware is fine, the problem is with the settings that you loaded when you went to File->Open... and used megasquirt200711251138 chispa y revs ok.msq file.
It is best to use download-config.bat, generate-config12x12.bat and upload-config.bat to save and store the changes that you make. After download-config.bat go into the config folder and rename the config.txt and tables.txt files to something memorable (like config chispa y revs ok.txt and tables chispa y revs ok.txt).
To generate the files into the uploadable format you copy them and rename them then generate-config12x12.bat