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EGT sensor problem

Started by AVP, May 28, 2011, 01:38:15 PM

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Hi people,

all of a sudden my EGT sensor reading went to zero.

I tried fiddling around with the K connector and made sure white goes to - and green to + and all i could find having tried 2 K connectors is that if i keep my finger pressed on the white wire while being tightly screwed on the plug, i was getting some high readings from vems even 1100C and this was getting higher the more i pressed with my finger on the bolt that kept the white wire.

Is this a sensor fault or a vems ECU fault?

i have ordered a new EGT sensor to try, but what else can i do?



Remove the sensor. Short circuit the white and green wire in the connector at the ECU, it should read ambient temperature (where the two alloys connect) if the input is healthy (it might not be..).



without taking the sensor out because its in a difficult place, but with the engine off, i got a reading of 27C (ambient 14) and the engine was off for 2hours. So i believe that this should be correct for the ECU.

i also used a handheld thermal sensor to connect to the EGT sensor of VEMS and got a reading of HI, so i think the EGT sensor is stuck on a HI reading or something...


what is the easiest way to calibrate the new EGT sensor?
Do i need to do so if i am fitting the same 6mm sensor from VEMS?

if i need to calibrate, at what range should i go? With the ECU in the car, as you can understand it is not easy to have a boiling water next to me to test for 100C to be sure. Since i have a portable thermal sensor, is it ok if i check ambient temperature or the temperature of the downpipe for example or by touching a similar area at the same time and calibrate?



What you're really calibrating is the EGT amplifier circuit in the ECU.  Check the "ECU calibrations" dialog, you'll see what the normal value for this calibration should be.

Just check what happens when you short circuit the input on the green wire, it should read ambient. Get back to us on that.