I made a datalog using the latest vemstune (big improvement over last year's versions BTW) and configured my single knock sensor to be enabled for each of the firing events on my v8. I would prefer 2 sensors, but I haven't got round to this yet.
Here is a histogram of my data. The data has been normalised so it can be compared between cylinders. The snag is that channel 7 appears to always read virtually zero. Is this a Vemstune issue that hasn't been picked up yet?
I know that I am not using timing correction yet, but it does bother me that all 8 channels ("adjust0 to adjust7" do not have the same default value. Is this another Vemstune logging issue?
I assume I tweak the knock signal gain to bring all the channels to as close to the same median value as I can, and change the time constant to get noise to be roughly 1/3 full scale. Then I can set the threshold to declare knock and have the ECU take sensible actions.
Thanks for any pointers. I'm also keen to understand the individual power stats. Presumably these are based on counting trigger teeth per second?