i like the way you propose the boost config.
I have a question: When the refDC is set, If i find the refDC that best suits the target boost that i ultimately want, why should i use the mean instead of just using the refDC that is closer to my value, so as to allow PID to make even smaller adjustments ?
i want 1.9bar overboost till 5500rpm and 1.6bar from 5500 to 7500rpm.
my spool appears: 3800rpm on 3d gear and 3300rpm on 6th gear.
so if i use a refDC of my 3d gear i have say: 60% till 5500 then 50% till 7500
but on 6th gear that refDC will overshoot my boost target due to higher load.
If i keep those values as they are, and just play with PID to compensate, wont that be better than just put all my values at 55% and then allow PID to always correct?