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the ignition change from 1.0.38 to 1.0.73

Started by Denmark, July 05, 2007, 08:18:00 AM

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Can any of You tell me what it is i have to change when upgrading the firmware from 1.0.38 to 1.0.73,
I have already installed the 1.0.73 and all things looks to be right, just not the tables, but thats fine as i will make new ones, ass it will now run boosted,
I will run the 14x16 maps,
I run a edis coil and and the ignition output setting is just blank, but i think i read somewere that it have to be changed to 10,20,30 instead of 01,02,03,

And now for the q,

Is this something i can change in megatune, or how can i do that??,
and do i need to change anything?


working on the boxer

[email protected]

The 1.0.73 MegaTune should do it fine but you should really upgrade by downloading, editing and making your configs and tables as you may want to use the wbo2defaults.txt and ALSOff.txt configlet files (in generate-config12x12WithDefaults.bat)
If you do stick with MegaTune then there is a screen accessed from Advanced->H2, check that all these settings are 0 where you can force the 01 02 03... to be 10 20 30


Hmm, i donÃ,´t completly get that, but will look again tonight,
The ALS On button is light up in megatune as soon as i turn on the ignition,
i did try to run the ALS fix, but that was first when i notished that it was on,
so that does not work,
Maybe i will put in the old firmware again and start over, Will that be better?

I will only upgrade to use the 14x16 maps , as that is needed with the ITB and turbo.


working on the boxer

[email protected]

When you have the MegaTune stuff in there you may find that it makes more sense, if it doesnt let me know.

I'd go for the 1.0.73 because of the Boost control, which you'll probably want with your new install.


yep, i will be needing the boostcontrol,so yes i will try to make it work,

I just need to read up on the ALSfix also,

THe car needs to be driven 500km to Sweden to and drive on the track next friday,so iÃ,´m abit in a hurry,
AS the engine internal is brand new!

working on the boxer


I have been working on trying to get it to work this evening, with no lock,
At first when i look in megatune , in "advanced H2, there is just blank fields all the way down,and there is no output to the coil,

in the first seven rows i can thoose , ign or stepper, and in that last seven rows zero,
If i put ign , in the first 7, and 0 in the last ,
then i get a output to the coil, as i checking with a timinggun, trying to dial in the 10 degrees while cranking,
but i cant even change the trigger degrees so i can get to see the timing mark, really strange,
But i hope that i just need a working config file to make it work,

i cant make a config file now as it keep saying" not ready not ready", so that will not work,
Do any of you maybe have a working config file with 1.0.73 firmware, then i could try to see if that would work,
Or all inputs welcome

working on the boxer

[email protected]

Are you still using the 12-1+12-1 trigger you setup with the distributor triggers?

I've never seen the Not Ready error before can you describe when it happens.

I have 20V configs for 36-1 Raw trigger pulley.

How are you trying to set the offset?  Have you tried reconfiguring the trigger tooth?


Quote from: [email protected] on July 05, 2007, 11:08:34 PM
Are you still using the 12-1+12-1 trigger you setup with the distributor triggers?

"now using 36-1"

I've never seen the Not Ready error before can you describe when it happens.

"thatÃ,´s when i try to download the config file"

I have 20V configs for 36-1 Raw trigger pulley.

"That would be great with a copy, so i know the config is right"
Is it running cops?

How are you trying to set the offset?  Have you tried reconfiguring the trigger tooth?

"adjusting the trigger angle, the missing tooth is 60degrees before TDC" but i belive that there is some thing wrong with the config, and thatÃ,´s why, itÃ,´s giving me trooble,
The Idlevalve is have also quit working!

working on the boxer

[email protected]

If the Anti-lag is not correctly disabled it will screw up ignition timing.
IACV may be screwed if the injectors FETs are setup incorrectly.

Can you paste the exact error test when you attempt to download the config?

Start off with and get that working.
Make the config with generate-config12x12WithDefaults.bat
Get that working (remember to update your pump pw zero, nernstdc target & wbo2 calibration values)
Then upgrading to 1.0.73 will be an easier step.


Okay, i will give it ago tonight again! :)

Jeg errow it writes is actully in danish!,

I will make a screen print tonight


working on the boxer


I put in the 1.0.53 firmware yesterday, and got the car running, but i had the same problem as with the 1.0.73,
And for some strange reasen i had to switch the ignition outputs, as it was 180degrees out,
now i did not try that with the 1.073 firmware put that would probbely also fix the errow,

So today i will try to put 1.0.73 in again, i dont use thew download config , i just uploads the firmware, and then plot inÃ,´the numbers,
I really need the 14x16 maps for this ITB+ turbo setup,

Also the wideband is showing 1AFR number leaner then my techedgeWBO2, so i will calibrate it after that, as iÃ,´m sure that its the Vems thatÃ,´s showing wrong,
thatÃ,´s probbely also why that i had a pratty poor fuel econemy, when running NA.


working on the boxer

[email protected]

Always use Lambda rather than AFR, if you use the factory settings and the correct nerst and pump valeus for your board the calibration will not effect lambda 1.


I have now been driving the car for 2 days, ,i had to use 1.0.53 firmware as i could not get it to fire with the 1.0.73,

I use regular speeddensity for mapping, and itÃ,´s okay, just the accelinrichment needs to be spot on to make it smooth.

right now iÃ,´m just running actuator boost pressure of 0.5bar, and have not been over 5k rpm,
but i dont know if i will up the boost to the planned 1.2-1.3bar yet, as i have not hade much time to break in the engine. but maybe the 500km is okay?

Is the boost control easy to setup? as i have a new spare 3port solenoid from when i had the Impreza.

working on the boxer

[email protected]

For an easy setup use alternative boost and hit F1 for the instructions on how to set it up.  Its not as good as PID but its fairly simple to use.

Keep the boost down for a while though, dont want to see that engine blow-up until you've dynoed it ;D


Well, i did go to Sweden to the Japmeet, but i only drove like 4 or 5 runds, as i hade a bit of a problem on the second round, first i would let it warm up on the first round, then i would give it some stick,
And this is what happend when i hit 8500rpm on the straight!

This is the 36-1 trigger wheel that i welded on the crankpulley, wiht a welder were there was not enought power, but i thourght it was okay,  ???

I then removed the crankpulley from the engine, and found a hammer and a welder and got it working again,
then i drove 2-3round again,and the car stopped, this time it was the cas that was broken, when the wheel fell of it hit the sensor, so the magnet in the end was in lots of small pieceÃ,´s and they fell out when driving.

I did get it to drive again, but that was not a legal act that got me the new sensor, even though it did pay for it!,
They just didnÃ,´t know til the next monday  ::)

working on the boxer