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Knock sensing issues

Started by Takumi, May 02, 2011, 09:26:09 AM

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got my car running ( I5 10v turbo MC audi engine with 1 knock sens.). Using 1.1.90 FW and knock chan 0. Pls check my log and tell, if this is right as my friend sees like 5 times stronger 'signal'indication on knock gauges and his I5 20v...tried 4 different sensors, using external knock gauge too - when hitting with wrench it flashes... Anyways for me it seems like knock sensor sesitivity is veryyy low...tried different engine places - same story. Maybe some settings are missing...
Here is my quick log:



Knock chip has adjustable gain. In 1.1.90 you can adjust gain for each cylinder individually.
As I knew for BOSCH non-resonant sensors with hole for screw gain = 2 is not too much. Because output voltage is really low.

You also can rise signal level by decreasing integral constant. But first try to find gain for each cylinder - you want equal signal levels when WOT. Then adjust integral constant so that maximum levels is 200-300 when no knock.

Please use 100% Knock reference for all cylinders



Thanks alot! Will try it :)


where can i download 1.1.90?


So This is working now?

working on the boxer


Quote from: Denmark on May 03, 2011, 08:49:23 PM
So This is working now?

Knoksense works for years for Andrey. But 1.1.90 is questionable: Using 24-1 4cyl I got some problems when inj duty cycle hits 100%. full engine cut or two cylinders left.