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N/A 4AGE 16V in AE86 - help needed, trying to "VEMS it"

Started by uzelac, April 14, 2011, 10:02:56 AM

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Will try to setup tacho output via I259/Ignition output.
Does that iGBT need heatsink ?
N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)


Quote from: GintsK on October 28, 2011, 10:20:13 AM
Is it for tach driving?

Just as alternative. My way to drive old tachs is use relay coil as fake ignition coil. Tach output configured to one of I259 outputs with IGBT. And relay coil (just coil, other mechanical parts thrown out for keeping this thing quiet) connected between IGN+ and this output. Output goes to tach. This makes high enough voltage spike for old tachs. Be careful: cut any resistors or diodes out of relay - these elements are for spike eliminating - we do not need it in this case.
It results a bit simpler/cleaner install than with diodes.

Will try this way:
I choose 5 ignition outputs in Ignition settings. Ignition Outputs Visual page than looks like this:

I have iGBT's on pins EC36-33 and EC36-35
I'm using Wasted Spark so "Dual Output mode" is Enabled and VemsTune offers combination of two outputs.
I wanna connect Tacho via reley to EC36-33.

The question is what combination to pick ?
EC36-33 and nonexisting iGBT output like EC36-36 or go with both left iGBT's on pins 33 and 35?

Not sure how VT works with Tacho Output configured as I259 when Ignition is in Dual Output mode, and will something go bad.

N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)


Quote from: uzelac on December 22, 2011, 04:42:57 PMThe question is what combination to pick ?
EC36-33 and nonexisting iGBT output like EC36-36 or go with both left iGBT's on pins 33 and 35?

Not sure how VT works with Tacho Output configured as I259 when Ignition is in Dual Output mode, and will something go bad
None of what you wrote is how you do it. Go to "assign all outputs" dialog and choose the  I259-33 for the "tacho out" feature.

The tacho function and it's selected output has nothing to do with neither of : the ignition output table, dual out enabled or not, coilpack/distributor or other ignition method, number of cylinders, ...
As others pointed out: which output you pick has to do with what your tacho requires to pick up a signal. Using -33 and a relay coil works really well with old tachs that require flyback voltage.


Hi, nice project
Tacho you had a coil+ignitor use p259 -chan 0 with pullup
At the back of the Tacho should be a turnable resistor turn it untill Tacho starts working

Idle seems like you highly modified engine try retarding your ignition advance,
dont mind the reading of wbo2, first try to get a stable reading.



Digital AE86 cluster is in car, so can't look but neither one of two analog i have out of the car there is no turnable resistors. Maybe if i open the cluster, somewhere inside ?
Just checked pictures online, there is nothing to turn on digital either:

Quote from: mattias on December 22, 2011, 06:59:03 PM

None of what you wrote is how you do it. Go to "assign all outputs" dialog and choose the  I259-33 for the "tacho out" feature.

The tacho function and it's selected output has nothing to do with neither of : the ignition output table, dual out enabled or not, coilpack/distributor or other ignition method, number of cylinders, ...

I got confused because i had to add injector output and channel at Injector output visuals to run warning light over.
Obviously it's different with I259 outputs.

Thanks, will try tommorow.

p.s. There is a third way, to modify tachometer itself, hope I wouldn't need it an this relay thing works :)
N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)



Ha, i got that, you'll see my post at the end from yesterday.
Still nothing turnable, soldering will have to do :)


N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)


Yes think you need to solder. Read the forum cut out the resistor, use a crockedile wire to find the wright resistor and solder it in. If you need a pullup you can use V+ from Tacho and connect it to Tacho signal with a resistor 450ohm if i remember well. Read wiki for that ...


Wiki ?
Where did you found those extra info ? I only found that PDF instructions.

N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)


Google -> ae86 + Tacho   ;D

Use the search box at the bottom to find info


I've dismantled the cluster.
I guess tacho will be easy at the end.

When I'am at it, I decided to try to make Wheel Speed Input work also.
AE86 has cable driven speedometer, with Reed switch at the gauge cluster. It switches 4 times to ground in one revolution.
So i figured i connect that with input pin on board/cpu via pull-up with maximum voltage in 2-3V area.
Later in VemsTune i can fine tune it so i get exact reading.

Can i do that? No burning CPU's ? :)


N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)


I suppose its possible using a signal input channel.
read the wiki carefully before you connect it because you can kill your unit if the signal is not conditioned properly.


On wiki, it is mentioned that i need to take care of maximum voltage, 5V is suggested.
I recon it's best to keep it below 4V then.

What i can't find on Wiki is that will reed switch connected to ground work.

Unfortunately, i'm not thate good with electronics, especially VEMS main CPU :D
N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)


Hi i have absolute no idea how to do this
But my first thought would be to use a board pullup 5v or 3.3v from the processor power circuit and  via a zener diode to the read switch and then to ground.
But i dont know if its possible in this case.


That's exactly what i thought. If there is 3.3V on the board, even better, or I would use 5V and lower it a bit.

It would be great if any of our dear professionals would approve this design :)

N/A 4AGE 16V - 180hp@8000rpm - work in progress :)