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Inputs for launch, ALS, shiftcut

Started by DevInAz, February 04, 2011, 11:10:29 PM

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I started a new thread here instead of just in my project for future reference, I hope thats ok with everyone.

I would like to build one of these circuits to add in ALS, variable boost control (got the idea from Gunni), and shiftcut. The only thing I was wondering about is some type of cross talk through circuits which would confuse the VEMS? this is v3.6 that i'm using. I think the first circuit is the one that should do the job nicely. I will use a plug connector to disconnect the harness shown from the vems harness itself.

Any input or ideas about this?

For the ALS can I use a switch based off of a timed pedal accel and clutch position like what AEM standalones have?


No, no: for activating ALS and shiftcut inputs you need ground. There is one in EC18. Do not use external grounding.

Same for potentiometer - use ground from ECU. EC36-26 or EC18-17.
Why you draw additional resistor in series? As result it will not be possible to get full scale signal.

Regarding fuse - probably - not needed. Similar as fuses for other sensors. Have you 200mA fuses at hand?



GintsK- All I needed was a switch ground? well then that changes the circuit quite a bit. I will test everything before installing all the wiring in the car. I can get a inline fuse for a 200ma if thats what is needed. I didn't see any documents on how much current I needed to cap the circuit off at so I wasn't sure about the fuse size or if I needed one.

I'll go out and test it in a few minutes and see what happens.


boostd audi

boost addict's Vems powered Audi VRT s2