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fine adjustment on VW 1.8t 20v mk4

Started by rossi46numberone, February 24, 2011, 03:37:27 PM

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Is engine tuned? There is total failure with injector voltage compensation. It is approx 5 times too high for any injector. If tuning was done exactly at 13.2V - then no problem. If you had 1V more or less it is roughly 0.8ms error.
VE table looks weird at low load area.


I have been thinking about this MAP/ RPM correction table. Default config has the whole table set for 100%, yet Mattias has the whole table set for 0%

So a question to Mattias, if you are reading this, does all zeros dissable this function? and is the end result the same as it would be with all 100's? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression that all correction factors were zero'd at 100%


Quote from: Sprocket on February 26, 2011, 08:18:42 PM
I have been thinking about this MAP/ RPM correction table. Default config has the whole table set for 100%, yet Mattias has the whole table set for 0%

So a question to Mattias, if you are reading this, does all zeros dissable this function? and is the end result the same as it would be with all 100's? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression that all correction factors were zero'd at 100%
that table is only for apha/n.


I also think that is only for Alpha N,because I've changing the value and it  does'nt change anything....


Quote from: MWfire on February 26, 2011, 11:45:32 PM
Quote from: Sprocket on February 26, 2011, 08:18:42 PM
I have been thinking about this MAP/ RPM correction table. Default config has the whole table set for 100%, yet Mattias has the whole table set for 0%

So a question to Mattias, if you are reading this, does all zeros dissable this function? and is the end result the same as it would be with all 100's? The reason I ask is that I was under the impression that all correction factors were zero'd at 100%
that table is only for apha/n.

I understand this, but your reply does not answer my question.


I've tried to set my req fuel to 6.2 and set the inj trim to 100% and the engine run too much rich...
If I want to keep the trim at 100% I have to decrease the reqfuel near to zero,is it suitable?
I don't understand why the trim are tunable and in opposite we cannot change value( 75% for example)....
At this time with this setup trim(75%) with 5 to req-fuel,with map/corr at 0,I can:
-Have a good Air/fuel ratio(even better in the futur with fine adjustment)
-Ego correction near to 90-100%
-the car run good to 150 kpa ,no mis fire,good feedback to pedal gaz
-Lambda target working
-the car also works LPG fuel!
Who can explain me that....
My question now is what will be the result at high load ,like 250~260 kpa?


I forgot,my battery calibration set now to "188" like the factory  ecu recommendation....


At fuel calibration there is always sequence to follow. One of very first things is determine injector lag characteristics, calculate Required fuel. And tune everything else just after that. Otherwise you potentially can get all kinds of instability.

188 is too less. This value means what PW in microseconds need to add at 7V comparing with 13.2V. But in reality used not for so low voltage, but for stability in common 11...14V range. Ballpark is somewhere in 600...900us range.

Injector trim is designed for use like one of final adjustments, when it is clear that some cylinder eats more or less air than other. Usually separate EGT sensors for each cylinder is used for this. It is not for basic adjustments.


Gintsk,you're right ....
In fact when I set my Battery calib. I hesitated to introduce the recommended Vems factory value or the digital volt meter volt value.
Engine running,when I put "188",there is about ~0.7v of difference between the DVM and the vemstune battery indicator.
To align the value I need to increase it to "195-194",that way the difference is near to zero and the global air fuel ratio decrease.
But even doing this mod I can't set my trim to 100 %.
I'll post tomorrow my last config in case of you'll find something wrong,because after reading your last message I finally understand why is it so important to keep the trim at 100%
Thanks a lot ;)


All sorts of settings were off or wrong in this config file. Always use the "verify config" button to check and fix all settings that don't make sense.
Press F1 in all dialogs to get instructions on proper settings.
You can always drag'n'drop working configs over your dialogs to copy just the settings pertaining to that dialog from the particular config file.

Please publish a more recent .vemscfg or .vemslog (preferrably zipped) and I might provide feedback on that, it seems many corrections to some settings might have been made since your last published file.


Michele, I wrote not about Battery calibration, but about Injector voltage compensation. You had somewhat like 4000usec in your setup.  Purpose of this value is to make mixture not dependent from voltage changes.

Reqired fuel is not so important. It is recommended to use calculated value - then most of default settings will be close to desired. But engine is still tunable if this value is 0.8...2 times calculated.


After several tries,I finally run the engine at idle (+/_ lambda 1)with trim @100%.
The ego correction wasn't so bad.
Here the config file:

Please don't pay attention to the rest of fuel map,I still do the road test.
Can you take a look to cranking value and give me your opinion...



Quote from: rossi46numberone on February 28, 2011, 01:59:22 AM
After several tries,I finally run the engine at idle (+/_ lambda 1)with trim @100%.
The ego correction wasn't so bad.
Here the config file:

Please don't pay attention to the rest of fuel map,I still do the road test.
Can you take a look to cranking value and give me your opinion...



Your Trigger reference tooth table and ignition output is configured to be runned as fully sequencial but your Secondary trigger is disabled.

Are you sure your Injection table isnt reversed?


Peer review is always nice, I went out of my way and e replaced and changed a lot of strange settings and uploaded a new config file for you to try here :

Injector voltage compensation was very off (4 ms is A LOT). Secondary trigger settings were strange (disabled). Ref trigger tooth table was wrong. Miscellaneous settings were disabled to help you start up (overrun fuelcut, idle control, etc). I loaded a decent VE table from a 4 valve/cyl engine. Unless you have way radical cams it should start nicely if your req fuel is set according to calculations and the correct injector voltage compensation is used (fixed that too).

After loading the config - before you do anything else you need to go through your ignition output table (injectors not powered) and verify the ignition order and make sure cyl 1 ignites at the correct spot (strobe light), and maybe others unless you're sure of the ignition order. I changed both your ref tooth table and ign out table, should/could work as it is but you never know.

(good to know :  there are configlets/dropdown menu options that loads good default trigger settings and other configuration parameters, check bottom of the primary trigger dialog).


Hi Mattias,
Thanks for your reply and config.
I've tried it,and the engine won't start and regarding your setting i've decrease the inj voltage compensation and it seems to work well,and my fuel table begin to look right,the value are more logical but sure far from optimal .
Strange coincidence,today morning before receiving your message I have checked the cyl 1 ignites at the correct spot.
And it does,but I had to reduce my trigger point from 84° to 78~79°.
Now my digital strobe light corresponds to the VEMS timing gauge indicator.
I have also increase the Dwell time .
Is it possible that it is not obliged/necessary to work with the second trigger sensor??I think that other guys run this kind of engine only with VR sensor,I'm wrong....
Here is the last config test: