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2nd com port

Started by Seight-v8, February 20, 2011, 02:35:20 PM

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hello all,

Does anyone know where the second com port is on the vems board....

Looked on the schematic drawing but cant see it.


Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


As far as I know, firmware has never been written for it, so no use looking. I don't believe it's been advertised as having multiple com ports, except maybe the first year the hardware was out.
VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


strange that as V1.1.89 firmware now is saying you can use this when logging with GPS.

I've found it on the VEMS board under SV1 & SV2, which is 3 conenctions  Rx,Tx & gnd going to the U19 chip.

i dont know if it works yet or how to configure it, but looks like the people who do the firmware plan to use it so.

only hope it works, as i plan to attach my GPS unit here, so i can still use my netbook.

Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


Quote from: Seight-v8 on February 21, 2011, 10:08:56 AM
strange that as V1.1.89 firmware now is saying you can use this when logging with GPS.

I've found it on the VEMS board under SV1 & SV2, which is 3 conenctions  Rx,Tx & gnd going to the U19 chip.

i dont know if it works yet or how to configure it, but looks like the people who do the firmware plan to use it so.

only hope it works, as i plan to attach my GPS unit here, so i can still use my netbook.



"EC18pin16: 1-wire can be used with the Dallas/Maxim "iButton security" (fancy antitheft touchon button). When 1-wire option is not selected: set up for MCP3208 extra-ADC input (often channel5 or 6 or 7) (extra analog inputs are very useful). With 1-wire=no and SDcard=yes, besides the protected mcp3208 analog input, ec18/pin16 is also connected (after 2011-02-18) as "RX2 input for GPSlogging". This way a wired RS232 GPS can be logged from UART2RX while first UART (normal RS232 serial port) sends "AIM"-data to one or more round-displays, or talks to notebook. Having GPS and time data in the logs is quite awesome. With 1-wire=yes UART2 is used up, and the GPS can be connected to normal serial port only: that can be logged to SDcard as well, but than sending "AIM"-data to round-displays at the same time as receiving GPS-data is limited because of low GPS baudrate"

Quote from the Webshop.


well this is what started me thinking, from and updated wiki page.

Testing the second serial input:

Upload a firmware with second serial port support (fw 1.1.89 or later)
Set up the GPS log to second serial:
ECU Logger enabled : SDCard
ECU Log use Byte stuffed format : Enable
Automatic GPS Log on main serial port: Disable
GPS Log Baud rate: 4800
Reboot the ECU
Erase the SD Card or check which is the latest file number
Start SD logging manually (Tools/SDcard/Start SD log)
Connect PC to second serial port
Start a Serial terminal program, open the correct port with 4800 Baud
Send the GPS saved log file
Search SD files, save the latest log
Open Vemslog, verify if GPS data available (shift + 2 : GPS gauge group) Search SD files, save the latest log [/color]

So it must be some kind of useful.

Engine:Rover V8 4600cc
Vems Firmware:V1.2.38, GPS, SDcard, LCD & Dual lambdas, Wasted spark, 36-1 trigger, Cam Sync & Bluetooth serial.


Could a vemstune PC be connected to second serial port so that aim data can still be transmitted on primary serial port?


Quote from: Sprocket on March 06, 2011, 09:15:13 PM
Could a vemstune PC be connected to second serial port so that aim data can still be transmitted on primary serial port?
I think no because it  is just rx