Hello, new user here. I am using MT 2.25 and the injectors and ignition are going to be wired in firing order, as to allow a 6 cyl and 4 cyl unit to use the same (plug and play) harness pinout.
The part that really messes with my mind is the injectors, the modified firing order (ex. 1-3-4-2 becomes 4-2-1-3 because 4 is on the inlet cycle) Would a 6 cylinder 1-5-3-6-2-4 then become 6-2-4-1-5-3?? (offset the pattern by half the cylinders)
(The "other ecu systems" do this in the background, making me a dumber person as I found out recently!)
Rob can you please have a look at my MT settings? Thanks in advance!
6 cyl
0 4
1 2
2 1
3 32
4 16
5 8
For crystal clarity, this would fire the VEMS pins 20-9-18-7-19-8 in order correct?
4 cyl
0 2
1 1
2 8
3 4
For crystal clarity, this would fire the VEMS pins 8-20-7-19 in order correct?
Ignition (4+4 Ign Output VEMS)
6 cyl 3X2 Waste Spark Coilpack using 5v IGN
0 4
1 1
2 0
This fires VEMS pins 35-33-11 in order?
4 cyl Sequential COP using 5v IGN
0 5
1 4
2 1
3 0
This fires VEMS pins 35-33-11-12?
It will be a miracle if this is right, its 5:30 AM and I am half asleep!