Technical > Wiring & Sensors
tps sensor sensitivity
Is there a way to setup tps sensor sensitivity? As I remember there was an value for that in config file but now I can't find it and I can't find anything in megatune. I have a problem with weber tps sensor from delta integrale and I tried couple of them with same result. They are all to sensitive and as I am pressing gas pedal tps % value in megatune goes up and down by 1% or 2%.
What serial number VEMS are you using? If its an early one you'll need to do the AREF mod.
What is the resistance when the throttle is open and closed?
If it's the same one as they use on the cosworths, the first part of the TPS track is a switch.
The output switches from 5V to 4.5V, then decreases from 4.5V as you press the pedal further.
Maybe this is causing your problem?
Gavin :)
--- Quote from: on June 06, 2007, 08:46:57 am ---What serial number VEMS are you using? If its an early one you'll need to do the AREF mod.
What is the resistance when the throttle is open and closed?
--- End quote ---
Will check today and let you know about resistance. Vems is v3.3 no 764. What is AREF mod?
AREF mod needed to be done on some of the early units, I wondered if you were using the same one as you had in that Turbo Mini you did.
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