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Hall sensor SS443A not working. ( solved)

Started by andreNL, November 22, 2010, 03:58:59 PM

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I ordered 2 ss443A sensors from the shop
but they both dont work.
One tested in the car to the Vems unit and one as a reference on the bench
both dont switch state activated by a magnet.
Didnt had any problems with the TLE4905L.

Checked the wiring its ok, checked connection of sensor in the data sheet
v+, ground , signal

Any one advise or experiance with these sensors?


Did you tried orient sensor with opposite side to magnet?


Yes i did, used both sides of the magnet for testing.
but i think i found it, the TLE4905L in on state switches the supply current (5v)
wich is enough for lightning a LED. But the SS443A in on state give 0,4v on the
signal pin according the data sheets. and i tried only testing with a led not with the dvm
at low voltage (below < 1v)  ???

Test it today with the Laptop fitted to the unit see if Vems see's a input on the sec trigger.
thx for the reply, evrytime learning and suprising things come to daylight  ;D


Well resoldered couple of joints and now the sensor works
but its not triggered by the steel trigger tooth.
and i cant fit a magnet to the thooth because of its design.
maybe its possible to magnetise the tooth?

Glued 2 magnets on iether side of the trigger tooth its working  ;D ;D ;D ;D