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Using manual boost controller with VEMS

Started by AVP, November 12, 2010, 09:40:05 PM

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What features are lost if boost control is disabled with VEMS and are there any other factors affected as well, such as fueling, or timing etc?


[email protected]

All the features are independent, so if you go for a manual controller you loose/gain nothing.


can you clarify please?

if i go into a manual boost controller, i believe i can achieve boost faster and more stable.(which is why i am asking, cause im going to try)

i suppose vems would still be able to achieve a boost cut if there is a spike on the specified level. BUT it would not be able to trim boost if im using a manual boost controller, correct? (in case of high EGT for example)


It appears to me you are not patient enough. You have boost control with close to right configuration just one day. But instead of fine tuning you want go back ages...  :-\

May be you can try manual boost control using anytrim? Among other it can be applied to boost DC.
Then you still remain some safety feature and control over DC by throttle.


Also maybe try a different connection types of the solenoid?

Here are a few good examples:


Guys, i understand your help, but what i cannot understand as possible is to loose 300rpm of spool because of a firmware upgrade and boost settings which do not respond!

I am currently using the connection from turbosmart which utilises both upper and lower wastegate chamber. Same as i had in megatune.

i tried today a new solenoid : same results

Tried anytrim today, but unfortunatelly even i use boost(mul) to 200 on the potentiometer, i can barely make 230kpa.

On a log i did i noticed that DC of the solenoid was 100, on PID 90-10-28 which is the same PID setting that gives me the upper results when anytrim is offline.

How the heck is it possible to have a 100% DC and not get the same responce? can someone explain to me how anytrim works?


how is it possible for anytrim to do anything regarding boost when using a manual boost controller , such as turbosmart boost tee(which is what i have and going to try)?

there is no electrical connection to it and any boost reduction that VEMS would like to do out of safety(eg. due to high EGTs) how will it react to the manual boost controller?


I mean manual controller using your current solenoid valve not mechanical one.

Have you some potentiometer already connected to analog input? Does ADC raw output gauge working smooth on this channel? Do you get clean 0...5V signal?

Next step is adjust just boost DC curve with anytrim curve for dc all to 100%. when it is done, you can apply some reasonable slope to anytrim curve for boost DC. PID 0/0/0.

And then you have manual BC. But ECU still can reduce DC if EGT or MAT goes high. And you can still configure TPS influence on DC.


marc swansson tested the anytrim with PID all set to zero, and the anytrim did not work

he said that PID must have values in order to work.

i do have the anytrim connected and the 0-5V is there and the potentiometer is working. I can see the values fluctuating when i move the potentiometer.

so you mean put ANYTRIM curve 100% or solenoid DC all 100%??


Now anytrim can be applied to boost target or/and boostDC. In first case 0/0/0 of course will not work. In second - should work. Otherwise it is bug.
Can you ascertain for what function they used anytrim?


Quote from: AVP on November 14, 2010, 01:50:50 PM

so you mean put ANYTRIM curve 100% or solenoid DC all 100%??
No. I mean until you have no tuned DC curve for your boost level it is wise leave anytrim off (100% in all entries).


so yo get things straight:

i now have a PID setting/ boost DCref setting and a boost target setting and ANYTRIM OFF and this gives me late spool

If i enabile anytrim MUL: and use 100% anytrim on all Volt configs, that means that i would have excactly the same reaction on the boost curve?


Anytrim configured to 100% gives zero influence.

But now I am confused about my statement about BoostDC trimming posibility:

My statemant was based on this:
Quoteup to 3 anytrim inputs, that can apply adjustment to fuelpw, lambdatarget, boosttarget, boostpwm and ignadv. Turn the feature off unless you really know what you are doing.
for 1.1.77

But VT has just trims called boosttrim additive and multiplicative.
Hitting F1 says both are for boosttarget.
So manual control seems is not possible.


not only that, but setting anytrim to 200% did not even reach 300kpa which is my target.

so it looks like it is useless for me


Quote from: AVP on November 14, 2010, 05:24:27 PM
not only that, but setting anytrim to 200% did not even reach 300kpa which is my target.

so it looks like it is useless for me
Please clarify more. does you trim boost target to 300KPa*200%=600KPa ???!!!
Thanks God for weak W-gate spring!  ;D