Technical > Wiring & Sensors

IAC setup

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The team are still saying to use the stepper driver, its even got internal flyback diodes.
I will crack the scope out tomorrow and do some dual solenoid tests.

The stepper driver seems pretty robust!  I have abused mine plenty in the past when I was trying things out on the TVR.  Motors are pretty nasty things when all said and done - steppers especially.  So there shouldn't be much problem with using this to control a normal idle valve.

Incidentally, is there a way of having 2 of this sort of idle valve? (not stepper motors)

just a point to note,as far as i can tell from volvo technical data,this idle valve is same as late 850 & V/S70 idle valve they all end up at same variant no in stock system.Sop if anybody done 850/70 series with Vems may help.
regards Adrian
These are also used in some of the BMWs, its a IACV thats been used before, but usually we have either spare FETs or IGBTs to drive it with.

The stepper should work but we need to limit the current to less than 1amp, which suggests a bit of resistor work is required.  What resistance do the coils read?


Hi Rob
coils read 10-14 ohms each.
just a thought but might i be better using external fet circuits to drive iac valve ?.will post my circuit idea when i figure out how to attach images?
regards Adrian


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