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gear based boost config request

Started by multiplex, October 17, 2010, 08:47:18 PM

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spent a few hours today getting boost control dialed in using the DC table and gear mapping.

i would like to request a firmware revision - what is the best way to do that?

basically, there is the setting 'Boost valve OFF below this pressure'.  It would be helpful if this was per gear.

i currently have it set to 200, which works well for 3rd, 4th and 5th but doesn't work with 1st or 2nd where i want to run lower boost levels

not using this feature makes the spool up painful

Any hopes of getting this implemented?

One other issue i noticed is that the gear pickup induces some error as I cross the setpoints (5000 rpm i'm assuming). So if i rev out in 3rd, it breifly selects 4th and then back to 3rd. enough to changed the boost settings

Any thoughts on this? could there be more filtering of the gear indicator to slow down the changes?


Your definitely not using that right boost valve off setting

And if  you select it as 90kpa for instance you need to dial in your PID values for very accurate boost levels for any gear.
and setup the DCref table to assist.

You do use the solenoid as a bleed valve right? So 99% DC means it´s venting any boost to atmosphere so that the wastegate sees no boost?

do you have a log of the gear pickup issue?


what i want to do is set the value below my target - so that it helps the turbo spool.  wastegate totally closed until X kpa - then reference the DC table.  how is this value intended to be used? and whats wrong with using it for this purpose?

after looking at the logs, the gear issue isn't happening at 5k, but a little more random.

so far I'm not using PID. i wanted to get DC tables close first and then apply PID


basically, there is the setting 'Boost valve OFF below this pressure'.  It would be helpful if this was per gear.
i currently have it set to 200, which works well for 3rd, 4th and 5th but doesn't work with 1st or 2nd where i want to run lower boost levels
not using this feature makes the spool up painful

- Use a 3 way solenoid and plumb it so "0%" = minimum boost and "100%" = max boost.
- Also this plumbing will protect from overboost if the boost solenoid fails or is disconnected.

- Then set your RefDC values to "100%" in the RPM areas before the turbo hits full boost. This is something you can do separate in each gear.

One other issue i noticed is that the gear pickup induces some error as I cross the setpoints (5000 rpm i'm assuming). So if i rev out in 3rd, it briefly selects 4th and then back to 3rd. enough to changed the boost settings

- Raise your setting for 3rd gear in the speed sensor setup.  I have had a pretty shaky speed signal input and the gear position is solid.
Show us your "Speed" and "Speed(ref)" graphs. And your speed sensor gear settings.


^^^ Kevin, what valve are you using?  Ever try N75 valves?

I also happen to have some turbo dodge boost valves kicking around... I wonder how they would work (can't remember if they're 2 or 3 way though).



Really?  They seem to work fine on VAG cars even with big turbos.  I would think that if you're getting poor performance with the N75 it's either defective (not uncommon) or the PID tuning is not correct.

That said here is a pic of the Dodge solenoids, what do you guys think of these?  They are 3 way btw.


I din't saw good solenoid from stock car(so far i tested vag,opel,fiat, lancha ...). All solenoid leaks when they are 100% close. That is becouse stock cars has small turbins and spools very fast. But if you have turbine for 500HP on 2.0liter with good solenoid you can lower spool for 500-700rpm.


What is a good solenoid. Name one


perrin is good, but expencive
copy of perrin : (but i bought in other shop)


Quote from: MWfire on October 25, 2010, 02:29:38 PM
I din't saw good solenoid from stock car(so far i tested vag,opel,fiat, lancha ...). All solenoid leaks when they are 100% close. That is becouse stock cars has small turbins and spools very fast. But if you have turbine for 500HP on 2.0liter with good solenoid you can lower spool for 500-700rpm.

Interesting...  :)


Quote from: MWfire on October 25, 2010, 05:36:05 PM
perrin is good, but expencive
copy of perrin : (but i bought in other shop)

Can you name it? This shop can't ship internationally :/


i'm using this valve. Its a MAC valve, and i like it because it has 1/8" NPT ports which allow easy configuration

beyond that, it had a nice PWM range of 15-85%.   much wider than the GM valve i used in the past.


I´ve always used the valve from the vemshop and not had a problem yet.