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Opel AstraF C20XE M2.8 -> C20LET

Started by Pet, September 24, 2010, 01:27:49 PM

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Quote from: Pet on May 24, 2011, 11:59:32 AM
Program is created by using LabView 2009; there are lot of function for analysing signals (waveforms). In my case, I am finding maximum in amplitude (pressure) array -> result is time index, then goes with that index to positon array to read crank position. That's all.
Can you send me code for that in LabView, so i can modified/upgrade?


Sorry, in that phase it's not possible - there is a lot of work and money behind. Anyway PM me for details, maybe we can co-operate together in some form.


I did dyno run with stock M2.8 atmo chiped ECU, 0.5bar boost, KKK16 stock turbo :



Little up,
- new original GM valve stem gaskets installed (terrible price, 3.8Euro/1pcs :( )
- cometic 1.9mm
- bigger IC (550x300x76) + 60mm pipes (+ optimized, only 1x90 from IC and 1x 45deg bend)
- harder engine mounts - really help a lot to stop moving the engine
- T04E/T3  turbo fitted once again
- new downpipe mounts
- E85
- ready to map on 1bar (probably maximum for 630ccm's Siemens, on 0.8bar@[email protected] PW is around 15.6ms


So on Saturday, we made some real dyno runs (only two, not much time), the best result was 357PS/488Nm
(power dip around 5500RPM  is due boost regulation problem, drop from 1.3 to 1.05bar)



Hi Pet

Could you upload a log file of the exact dynorun you did.

I have another version of Virtual Dyno ill like to test/compare to see haw correct it is.



Quote from: MWfire on October 16, 2011, 09:22:31 PM
nice, no more knock problems?

Heh knock neverending story :) Anyway, in area 4000-4900 (where is the boost peak) the pressure waveforms (Optrand) are bumpy. In first run, I had ign lowered in that area (2900-4800) by 2 deg (4200@220kP around 7.5deg only), in second run I added it back and torque was increased by 20Nm (Minimum Advance for Best Torque works IMHO)  and waveforms seem better, but still a bit bumpy. In area > 5000RPM all seem ok already (because we added advance there ).


Quote from: peter_jensen on October 16, 2011, 10:29:53 PM
Hi Pet

Could you upload a log file of the exact dynorun you did.

I have another version of Virtual Dyno ill like to test/compare to see haw correct it is.
I don't know, but VD doesn't work on logs captured during rolling dyno testing (because car speed is zero) :/

Edit: here is the log, (fifth gear run)!projects/astra_t3/dyno/15.10.dyno/15.10.11.AstraF_1.25bar_2nd_run.csv


Are you getting knock on other cylinders maybe?

You do effectively have 4 engines in there, the likelyhood of them needing the same advance to reach knock is unlikely or them running the same exact AFR.



Hi, a litlle up after long time :) I make new wiring for VW COP's  (modified wiring loom bought from Vems shop). Anyway, car is running well with full sync under aprox 6000-6500, but sometimes I have sec trig errors (Too many sec triggers). Should be a problem with 1.2.17 vs 1.2.19 FW ? I am reading on Wiki, there are some changes around sec ignore option etc ? I am planning to use ignore sec trig = 13 , because my sec trigger pulse is on aprox. 10th primary teeth (is it correct?)
  Log included (1st log, there was full pull at 3-4-5 gear, no problem at all, after another 15minutes I got 2nd trigger errors. 2nd log. My both trriggers are on pictures attached.
Anyway, now I am adding 20uF/100V bipolar capacitor near COPs to suppress potential noise from ignition (not sure if there is some noise...) - if is it noise problem indeed.!projects/AstraMEP/v3.3_n003287-2014.09.15-17.19.28_OK.vemslog!projects/AstraMEP/v3.3_n003287-2014.09.15-17.38.14_errors.vemslog


Trying 2nd trigger with 1.2.11. - no improvement, still 2nd trig erros.... So for today drag race I've switched ign to dual out (wasted spark) and it was fine during all three drag runs (not full power 0.8-1.2bar only). So it must be something wrong in my 2nd trigger hw.....

PS:actual photo of my engine