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Audi 90 with AAN/GTX3071 - Tuning Time

Started by Marty, June 06, 2012, 02:26:56 AM

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Actually I see it now...
5 - 3 - 1 - 2 - 4

If I trace the drawing in that order, I see it's correct. I need to adjust my distance between zero tooth and trigger because I'm currently showing about 30 degrees of retard at 0 timing lock.
I'll try to sort that out this evening and probably back off my ignition map some to be safe


I doubt its the case but my req_fuel was much lower than what was recommended by Marc at EFIExpress but I figured that out eventually. Also my car would not start because of the physical FET straps problem sort of like yours. Not saying that's your problem obviously but I do think you should start with a recommended config  file directly from Marc at EFIExpress to get up and running. Im sure if you email him he will be happy to help. Hes been great to me so far. Good luck dude.
You are a good person... breathe deep