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strange issues

Started by yhzman, June 18, 2024, 02:42:43 PM

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Hello everyone. i'm working on my brothers 85 peugeot that the previous owner installed vems in, along with other goodies.
The problem has always been starting the car. he wired the spark out to the stepper motor outputs in the ec18 plug with a ignition amplifier.
the spark was always weak cranking so the car would start when turning key from start to run. tried changing to pin 35 and all of the other 7 amp outputs and have no spark. Even when going into test mode.
loaded new firmware and updated vemstune. same result.
took apart vems ecu, no visually burned circuits.
Need help, suggestions.
Have another issue I will post in fuel injection.


Ignition outputs are configured at order time. So not knowing how the ECU was built, it's hard to help too much here in a direct manner. If the ec36-35 output (and other 7 you tried) are configured with IGBTs, they won't work with the ignition amplifier/ignitor. They drive a coil directly by grounding it. Could explain your issues there. When you took apart the ECU, if there's 3 rows of transistors and the row nearest the case side is populated, that would be 6 of the 8 ignition channels. If there's transistors in that row, they are configured with IGBTs and meant to drive a coil directly.

VEMS USA - Located in beautiful Burlington, Vermont
1988 RX7 Turbo


Sorry  i should have mentioned we tried driving the coils directly with all 7 amp outputs. no luck. or in test mode.
Would taking a picture of the inside of module help determine if the 7 amp outlets are operational?