My stock CPS is as follows;
two wheels stacked on top of one another. the bottom wheel is a 24 tooth, the top seems to be a 2 tooth.
I ground off the top wheel altogether, and ground two opposing teeth from the 24 tooth wheel, in my mind effectively making it a 12-1 (cam spins at half speed, blah blah)
My trigger settings are as follows:
Edge Rising
Type Multitooth
Filtering Disabled
Advanced Filtering Disabled
Special N-1 Disabled
Fiat Stilo Disabled
Nissan Special trigger disabled
bit 7 not in use disabled
TDC After Trigger 60
Number of teeth on wheel 11
trigger tooth 1
next trigger tooth 3
crank min period 160
angular width of tooth 30
angular width of missing tooth 30
engine phase, when to reset 240
questions: I'm cranking at ~140 according to vems, then it'll drop down to 90 for a second, then to 140 again. my l28 from my 280zx would crank at 300, and that was with compression. I'm wondering if the cranking rpm is actually 140, and it's dropping to 90 because of a lag in communication or something, or if my trigger settings have it messing up and actually reading 90 rpm?
I had a friend crank for 6 seconds, during which time I counted 6.5 turns of the cam, which equates to 13 turns of the crank, which is ~ 130 rpm, as best as I can count. We figure that if we can count 130, and VEMS is telling us it's ~140, we might be pretty close.
Also, can someone explain to me the way the relative settings work?