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Install wiring Help needed

Started by volvotech, May 15, 2007, 11:08:09 PM

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sorting out wiring on my install while awaiting delivery,just got a couple of queries,before i unpick factory loom

1.How to wire boost control without using second WB02 driver??

2.injector fly back resistor, my Low Z injectors with current 10ohm / 10 watt resistors (one per inj)give total Z of 13.8ohms per injector,do I need to use flyback,I read all info & think yes but ??

Install on Lexus 1UZ-FE v8 twin eaton M62 s/c's in volvo V90
Anybody thinking of using 1UZ-FE instead of RV8,can help with info & where to buy parts etc.Exhaust Flanges,bellhousings,engine mounts
Currently running with OEM ECU,piggyback & fmu,circa 430 hp @ 8psi
thanks volvotech

[email protected]

Boost control solenoid can be driven by the spare stepper motor drivers on: EC18pin4, 5, 10 or 11.

Injector flyback is required for all installations, it gives the injectors a path to discharge through.  We've had excellent results using resistors and the transient suppression diode thats supplied in the spare component pack.

I have half a mind to try a 1UZ engine in my Nissan to see how it will go.



thanks Rob
only thing is intended to use Std idle valve (4 wire drive & ve-),if swap to Bosch 3 wire idle can i drive from a pr of terms from EC18: 4,5,10 &11...8 cyl seq inj so can't wire as per your install page EC36:6 & 17 in use for injectors


ps:for those interested
1UZ-FE 700mm square for fitment room.
SC400 (soarer) rear sump well,LS400 front sump well
std output on Factory ecu 280hp.(sans Cat's)

[email protected]

A 5 wire IACV!  Got any info on that?
Theres a number of possible IACV options if you're moving from stock.

Those diagrams are suggestions of connection BTW, the key with VEMS is its versatility, plenty of possabilities, just need to decide on which ones to go for.

700mm3, I'm going out to measure my engine bay...



Hi Rob
My vems arrived this morning,all correct thanks,but i suggest better packaging for future orders my box very battered on one end,everything looks ok though.
Got a few questions re setup.
1..Trigger setup crank & cam synch,as discussed 12 tooth crank sensor wheel No missing Tooth,cam synch 1 tooth.Do i set up crank as 12 tooth setup as from cranktrigger calc page on vems site or do i need to remove TDC tooth from trigger wheel first cranktrigger calc  stated 1 missing tooth in config result page.How do i set up cam trigger??.bit confused
Regards Adrian


Hi Rob
Stuck again,how do i configure ign outputs,read install page & i didn't seem to learn much,do i config like inj outs in reverse order.
Thanks Adrian

[email protected]

Trigger setups are confusing, but you only have to do this once, I've spent an hour or so this morning doing this:
The 8-cylinder one has the settings that you're wanting to use, what I'd suggest is that you use the config and tables files from the running Supra:

And the 1.1.18 firmware:

You'll not need to modify your trigger hardware.

[email protected]

Quote from: volvotech on May 19, 2007, 08:52:17 PM
Stuck again,how do i configure ign outputs,read install page & i didn't seem to learn much,do i config like inj outs in reverse order.

Yep, in reverse order...

I tend to wire coils in the order: Coil 00 cylinder 1, Coil 10 cylinder 2 ... Coil 70 cylinder 8.
Others claim that the best idea is wire them in the firing order (assuming 1, 3, 4, 2)
With firmware from 1.073 and up the coil numbering in h2[] is number first:
10 30 20 00


Hi Rob
Thanks for your quick reply,that all makes things clearer & easier for me ,just got one last query today(this means there will be more later.

In Twenty Four Plus One Trigger * cylinder config page
Line as follows is this correct??

rpmk[1]=e8 #RPM constantfor 4 cyl = 3000 (=0x03E8)

thanks Adrian

ps If you dont mind when i have finished with wiring & settings will post my data for you to look at before i attempt engine start

[email protected]

Well spotted!  It should be:
rpmk[1]=DC #RPM constant for 8 cyl (12000/8) = 1500 (=0x05DC)

Before you try to start you should spin the engine over without any ignition or injection compoents in place, plugs out too!

Take a butchers at:
It gives you a step-by-step approach to configuring the specifics of your install, battery constants etc.

I'll happily look over your config and tables files, and will test them on the bench.  I've got some test patterns that you can play through your sound card to test against.


Hi Rob
thanks again,looks like im not quite as daft as i think.
all your help much appreciated.Got a heavy week at work so i probably wont bother you till early next week now,by which time i will hopefully ready for a test start,been a bit sharp with wiring & built spare dash/bulkhead loom for VEMS to plug to my existing bay loom,so can test on car before pulling dash to change loom.
many thanks & regards Adrian

ps,i have just finished my 1st 1uz-fe t0 tremec t5 bellhousing (Hydralic Clutch slave)today,going to drop in at a alu foundry ive used before for price for casting a few,will keep posed when have more info.(Hydralic Clutch slave).


Hi Rob
im stuck again.
re:coil output h[2] config,
in twenty four one file coil syntax 00 10....70
in forum help 00 01...07
looks like should be 10 20....70 to me but im usually wrong with these things
thanks Adrian

[email protected]

No, you're right, I'm wrong, in the newer releases you need to use:
10 30 20 00

I will edit the other post accordingly.


Quote from: [email protected] on May 16, 2007, 09:10:47 PM
A 5 wire IACV!  Got any info on that?
Theres a number of possible IACV options if you're moving from stock.

Rob I have done the research on the five wire unipolar steppers, have a look through my 1400 thread.

when I get a little more time I'll get it in black and white and more concise :-\