I flashed 1.1.70 firmware and now i can enable and disable cam sync without messing all triggerin settings.
But still have problems with cam sync, if i enable it i loose RPM info (it show 100RPM if triggering with 1000RPM).
It would be great if vems firmware development started to use two trees one for devel version and one for stable version firmwares (like linux 2.4.x stable, 2.5.x devel) or mark development version with alpha/beta/rc tags, now there is no way to know which firmware is "Okay" when you use vemstune firmware uploader tool. It's too easy to mess everything very bad woth current way.
Also it would be good to have some built-in sane configurations for different firmware versions in vemstune. It would help people who are new with vems to get things working faster, because the documentation is very bad and wiki is confusing and vemstune seems to be pretty unstable and creating messed configuration pretty easy.
I have been using many ECU tuning software and vemstune is not the worst, it has many features that are really nice and good to have, but it has many things that are so unlogical and odd that makes my head hurt.
It's nice to have custom gauge candy and all sorts of different display modes, but please make the software stable before all the candy. I would understand all of this if vems were still open source project or maybe that's the problem why it's so messed up
Vemstune developers should checkout TunerStudio, that's one great piece of software.