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Is 1.0.79 FW usable ?

Started by Pet, June 07, 2010, 10:49:43 AM

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Hi, I am running on 1.0.78rc2 fw, all is fine except known accel issue (lean on low speed, rich on high rpm). FW 1.0.79 should have that issue fixed. But does anybody have this FW in car  - some experiences ??? Thanks alot.

[email protected]

You'd be best to go to one of the 1.1.7x releases, it has much better acceleration features.


Thanks; I would like to use 1.1.x fw, but I can't, because I have 2nd hand repaired Vems (MCU was replaced by myself) and that 'pirated' solution is not compatibile with 1.1.x fw.


I used it a long time ago and it was fine.

Out of interest, why would 1.1.79 not work?  Did you fit a different MCU to standard?


Send it back for repair, they will make a new serial number for the processor.
Turn-around is quick and it's totally worth it to go 1.1.x instead.


Quote from: dnb on June 07, 2010, 08:03:46 PM
I used it a long time ago and it was fine.

Out of interest, why would 1.1.79 not work?  Did you fit a different MCU to standard?

No, I have fitted ATMEGA128 and load some old boot.hex via ISP (one user from Wiki wrote some manual for this action). But with 1.1.x FW the spark advance is fixed to 10deg.


With a missing serial number, the firmware will fix the advance.