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Custom VEMS Output for VVT, how?

Started by laine_16v, May 25, 2010, 09:23:18 AM

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HI, after using VEMS last year on my engine, i sadly destroyed it after sucking in a bolt. but im back!

I have a clio 172 engine which i am throttle bodying.

This engine has a VVT phase shift on the inlet cam.

Solenoid voltage = 0v then Phase is set to 0 degrees.

Solenoid voltage = 12v then Phase is advanced 16 degrees on inlet cam (power mode).

I need to figure out how to use an output from vems (from P259 chip?).

So it can follow this pattern....activated at 1300rpm and de-activated at 6500rpm

I understand VEMS to can activate outputs at a certain RPM very easily, however what then about deactivating them when it reaches at certain rpm (as i want), i cant figure it out?

Im running a VEMS v3.3 prebuilt unit and it is the 1.0.73 firmware i think, should i update this? im very out of touch with VEMS. thanks.

[email protected]

First things first, what resistance is the VVT solenoid?
Its simple to control (I've done it on a number of cars) you just use one of the Misc Triggers in the Extras Menu.


Ok had to wait for my mate to test his on his engine as i dont have a multimeter, but aparently its 8.8Ohms, which im guessing is not good because it will exceed the 350mA output of the P259 :/

So he suggested a darlington pair circuit ?


Or use a injector / ignition output?


Quote from: gunni on May 31, 2010, 10:57:44 AM
Or use a injector / ignition output?

Thank you! Told you i was pretty thick when it comes to VEM's i shall drive it from one of those, thank you :)


Question: OK ill power it from INJFET (Injector Drivers), im given a choice of channels 1 - 7 and i1 - i7. But, which channel corresponds to which pin out on the Plug diagram.

I.e there is Injector Channel 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 e.t.c

[email protected]

The channels are shown on the pin-out, EC36-pin6 is Inj channel 64, EC36-pin7 is Inj channel 1 etc.
The choice you have is of which location in the h[0] list (Settings->Injector Outputs).


OK brilliant thanks rob i understand that :) One last question, the difference between channel 1 and i1, would be?


i means inverted. I.e normal close circuit.


Quote from: gunni on May 31, 2010, 05:36:28 PM
i means inverted. I.e normal close circuit.

Does make sense to me, i can build a wiring loom from scratch, but i dont know what that means lol! For my purpose, do i use I or not? solenoid will get a constant 12v feed, and be negatively switched via INJFET, is that inverted or not? THanks.


you do not use "i"

the "i" is when you want to turn stuff off at specific points instead of turning it on.


Sorry to drag this topic back up.

I have just got the engine working on VEMS, its working very nice just as it did on my old engine so im very pleased. Just want to clarify.

I have wired the VVT soleoind's switched earth into Ignition output 30 (Pin 36). Which "Output Channel Selector" do i choose?

Its obviously not the INFJET (not wired into injecter FET's afterall), neither P259 e.t.c Is it SPECFET or I259? i dont know :P

Also i want this solenoid to be actiavted purely by RPM, not by throttle position or manifold pressure. So what do i put the Throttle position and Manifold pressure minimum and maximum values to?

Thanks for your continued help.


I259 channel 3

then put 0 as min kpa and 510 as max kpa and 0 % throttle and 100% throttle