I know there are negative comments in the wiki with regard to using only cam angle sensors for triggering (because crank triggering is considered more precise). However, I also know that many OEMs use CAS for normal ignition triggering, and on many of the OBDII engines, the crank sensor is only there (often on the flywheel) to diagnose errors with the CAS. The engine I am using, Audi AKB V8 (from 2001) has two cam sensors, one on each bank, and only a VR sensor on the flywheel (obviously there are no missing teeth on the flywheel).
Setting up VEMS to use the cam synch with crank triggering currently looks to be complex, as judged by the forum comments and minimal documentation in the wiki. So what's the problem with just using cam triggering alone, with no crank trigger? The lack of precision can't be that big a deal... if it were, the OEMs would all have crank triggers.
[EDIT] Actually, I think I can answer this now. The flex plate has a cage-looking thing bolted to it which is essentially a 60-2 setup. However, I wasn't planning to use the flex-plate, so it looks like I'll be adding a wheel to the crank pulley, making this post moot.