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V1.1.74 Firmware

Started by [email protected], April 26, 2010, 10:03:17 PM

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[email protected]

[1.1.74] - release candidate, but not yet released
* more precise tach output frequency even at very high RPM
* up to 36000 output pulses per minute, that is 18000 RPM for "4 cyl" tachometer (which can be used even for 5-6-8-12 or other cyl count, just adjust the tach divider)
* LCD updates are synchronized to LCD refresh (when lambda changes from 1.00 to 0.99, 1.99 should not be intermittently displayed)
* cranking pulsewidth shown after powerup (even before trigger)

* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.

* InputTrigger/SubaruTrigger implemented. Unlike with 1.0.x, configured as coiltype (not missing tooth type).
   Primary_trigger=A3 (or AB, as the missing tooth advanced filter can be enabled and configured for this, even though derived from the coiltype family.
   Then we trig from the short "normal tooth", max 100% and neglect the long "missing tooth" eg. min 125% )
   The weird subaru multipulse camsync requires another_trigger_tooth=03 and secondary_trigger=59 (bit6=1)
   For the simpler fiatstilo campulse, another_trigger_tooth=01 applies and either secondary_trigger=59 or 19 should work.
* InputTrigger/LanciaCosworth (which was "coiltype" before, theoretically not changed, must also be retested.)
* Some small other changes, eg. warninglight sent instead of warmup (warmup light on when warmup_enrichment > 100% is calculated in vemstune)
* for launch, flamebit (a config bit) enables launch_enrich fadeout (partial sparkcut is good, but partial launch_enrichment will be normally disabled by most tuners to avoid exhaust bang and flame effects)

*als_iacpos;// iac position when ALS active (0 disables)
* communication protection against unauthorized (write / read) access (perhaps only in 1.1.71 : not certain if this will be available in the default compile after 1.1.71 ) only applied if config_ext.pwcommlock0 == DE ( decimal 222 )
than serialnum dependent password is needed for communication. Request password for the given serialnr when ordering.
Use GenBoard/Firmware/BootLoaderLoopback to upload an old firmware if you accidentally locked yourself out (that's why this is for experts only).  No need to reenter password if reconnecting; Only needed after reboot (might be asked for only once on a certain notebook: if VemsTune saves it on the notebook harddrive and sends it automatically after that)

* important scheduler priority changes (effecting ign and lambda_target lookup)


how about getting rid of the LCD lag  ;D


LCD? How do you even read that jumbled mess? :)


Quote* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.
What it means? I had repeatable case with 1.1.70 on stimulator where dwell goes sky-high at specific cranking speed about 100-120rpm. But trigger log was clean (not noisy trigger!). Is it solved?



Quote from: GintsK on April 28, 2010, 02:14:18 PM
Quote* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.
What it means? I had repeatable case with 1.1.70 on stimulator where dwell goes sky-high at specific cranking speed about 100-120rpm. But trigger log was clean (not noisy trigger!). Is it solved?


Quote from: mattias on April 28, 2010, 05:24:49 PM
Quote from: GintsK on April 28, 2010, 02:14:18 PM
Quote* improved ignition when trigger signal is extremely noisy during cranking at least for missing tooth trigger - not much can be done for "coiltype" trigger of course.
What it means? I had repeatable case with 1.1.70 on stimulator where dwell goes sky-high at specific cranking speed about 100-120rpm. But trigger log was clean (not noisy trigger!). Is it solved?

We had similar problem with bmw m50 engine and coilpack, the ignition fuse blown out sometimes at crankink with weak battery. Trying 1.1.74 now, it seems an I hope cure the problem...



are there changelogs available?


The change log in the firmware stops at 1.1.62 unfortunately


Quote from: lugnuts on April 30, 2010, 01:25:56 AM
The change log in the firmware stops at 1.1.62 unfortunately
No, it doesn't. It's always updated, may lag until there is something worthwile to write there, 1.1.74 is the last with an update:


I'm referring to the change log in(inside) the actual firmware folder.

Heres the top part:

*  VEMS - 2008                                            *
*  (C) 2008 VEMS-GROUP.ORG                        *

since 1.1.62:
   * tachout inactivated (so gauge should not flicker) when RPM=0
   * for coiltype trigger if trigtooth=0 and ign_tdcdelay <= 42 degrees, and ignadv > ign_tdcdelay, we allow timing from prev tooth.
   ** For precise cranking you place coiltype trigger 15..10 BTDC, best 5-6 degrees BEFORE cranking_ignadv.
   ** during cranking, if (eg.) ign_tdcdelay=10 degrees and crank_advance=7..10 degrees dwell will start immediate from the trigger pulse, and spark might be slightly late (better than timing dwell from prev tooth)
   ** ign_tdcdelay in the 20-50 degrees range not recommended, but it should work

since 1.1.61:
   * decrease dwell at high RPM for a target of DWELL_MIN_INACTIVE time (defined as 400 usec). Automatically detects if same ign output channel is configured in neighbor events (distributer), 288 deg apart (2/5 of wasted spark 5 cyl), 360 deg (normal wasted spark) or other reftooth distance

since 1.1.60:
   * low toothcount wheels like 4-1 (m031) and c004, c008 supported, without camsync too


Oh well, we all have our sources. I trust mine.


I was just answering the poster's question. I have used the 1.1.74 today on my own car and will start  using it on another race car tomorrow.

[email protected]

Quote from: mattias on April 30, 2010, 04:52:05 AM
Oh well, we all have our sources. I trust mine.

True, but its an indication that the releases need a QA check before going out. 
Either we have a change log in the firmware folder that is up to date, or we drop it and put a link in the file to the place that the updates actually take place.
Its a matter of confidence, if that file isn't updated can we honesty believe that everyother file is upto date or checked?


Rob: Can't say more than that I fully agree with your statement.
It's hard to push the right buttons. Emil working full time in Budapest would be nice.