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Nissan 200sx Ca18det

Started by Pedersen, April 04, 2010, 10:20:37 AM

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Quote from: Pedersen on May 01, 2010, 05:55:08 AM
QuoteTake my config and drag some reasonable defaults to some dialogs
I can not read your 200sx-config from
Yes I can read it but I do not understand all the codes.
I should have specified that I meant the config I have linked to in my signature, so far over 100 downloads on that one.


New Vemslog from my first test drive today.....
Runs better now than with an Ebay chip I have run with the same engine setup.
However, it is not good when I press the throttle from under 1000Rpm.


Please be specific about what changes you make to the config, to make it easier to understand what's been "fixed" or not. When I make a suggestion, please comment on what you did about, or just your reflection upon it.

It's quite apparent that you changed a lot this time. I think you have to look over your acceleration enrichment, I think there is just too little. Adjust the two tables; to match your throttle movement in the first table, and then increase the values in the added amount table.

Your "RPM actuator" output channel still reads "INVALID", change it to "Disabled". Also disable all other outputs you know you are not using. This is on top of the list of things to fix before even starting the engine the first time. You never know how things are involved.

Under the dialog "display settings", you could disable AIM. It should work but there have been known problems with serial communication - until it's known to be safe, please disable it.


New Vemslog from my second test drive.

Quote from: mattias on May 02, 2010, 05:59:21 PM
Please be specific about what changes you make to the config, to make it easier to understand what's been "fixed" or not. When I make a suggestion, please comment on what you did about, or just your reflection upon it.

It's quite apparent that you changed a lot this time. I think you have to look over your acceleration enrichment, I think there is just too little. Adjust the two tables; to match your throttle movement in the first table, and then increase the values in the added amount table.

Your "RPM actuator" output channel still reads "INVALID", change it to "Disabled". Also disable all other outputs you know you are not using. This is on top of the list of things to fix before even starting the engine the first time. You never know how things are involved.

Under the dialog "display settings", you could disable AIM. It should work but there have been known problems with serial communication - until it's known to be safe, please disable it.

I will try to be more precise with my changes.

1) I have Disabled RPM actuator and Boost control that I do not use them.

2) AIM. disable too.

3) Acceleration Dot vs. Scale
Tps speed first block 2 instead of 5

4) Acceleration RPM vs. Amount.
RPM speed. first block  1000 down to 800Rpm

5) ECU calibration
Trigger 1 and map Samples 15 as Mattias suggested.

I seemed to vibrate slightly during acceleration maybe it's just me who can not remember how hard the car is.


Run the VE analysis on that log and you'll see what you ought to fix. Basically, add 20 % (+/-10%) VE from 1200 rpm to redline, and even more than that above atmoshperic (100 kPa line).

I'm kind of surprised that EGO correction doesn't catch up with you but I didn't give enough time to hunt down what setting caused that. You can clearly see in that screenshot that the marked instance has  15% EGO correction, so.. simply increase VE by that amount in that VE map cell.


OK Matt, I will work on that now - Thanks :o


My last Vemslog from last weekend.
The car running really really well although I can see that there are several things to be adjusted.


You are letting EGO correction work for you, make sure that you only use "VE tuning by statistics" where you know you have held a steady or slowly accelerating load. 

Skip correcting the sites that have:
Few hits (lower left corner)
High variance (lower right corner)

Correct the sites that have many hits and and low variance :

A high variance is usually an indication of acceleration enrichment or rarely visited (highly transient) cells. These cells must be tuned manually, interpolate their value to match neighbouring cells that have more confident values. Always check the 3D view of the VE table, it will tell you if something is out of place. There are a few such places in your VE map.

VE rarely goes down with increasing pressure unless it's a turbo engine that is a victim of too much back pressure. VE is very linear. Chances are your tuning would be easier with fewer cells, it's such a simple engine.


Thanks Mattias
I will run some more log and avoid Aacceleration Enrichment and fuelcut throughout the area.


Is possible to filter out the acc. enrichement-ed values with aid of acc, enrichment gauge?


It already does a pretty good job of filtering those out, just don't trust a computer to do your job.

Use your intuition, correct the cells with more hits than the others and low variance. Manually edit the table to smooth out the cells that are rarely visited (and not auto-corrected).