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MSD DIS-2 and VEMS wiring help.

Started by blown_g, March 15, 2010, 04:31:20 AM

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Im installing VEMS and Im about to make my ignition plug.  I have 2 msd ignition coils and msd dis-2 ignition box wired up.  Now im wondering what wires to use to trigger dis-2.

I have 8 wires coming out of vems harness,
red/black x4-3,
red/black x4-2,
green  x2-36,
orange  x2-34,

green/black  nc,
red/black  nc,
violet/black  nc,
yellow/black  nc.

Do I only use the green and orange wires to trigger MSD-dis2 box?  What are the other wires for?
I'm assuming this way it will run wasted spark.



Why do you want to use the MSD DIS-2 with VEMS?  You can run wasted spark with the MSD 8224 coils directly from VEMS.  Use 2.5 ms dwell time as a starting point.

If you really insist on using the DIS-2, set up VEMS first without the DIS-2 until you get the engine running and tuned well. That will prevent lots of initial headaches. AND THEN put the DIS-2 in.  That way you'll have a pretty good idea if the multi-spark CDI really improved things compared to standard inductive spark.


I had msd dis-2 running, I changed ecu to vems now, everything is wired up, all I need is the signal for msd dis-2 box so im trying to figure whats what from vems wiring.


Yes, you only need to connect EC36-35 and EC36-33 to the DIS-2, which basically functions as a 'black-box' that converts the inductive ignition to multi-spark CDI.

I don't understand what you mean by the wires as "red/black x4-3", etc.


I was simply reading the VEMS wiring loom print out showing wire colour and codes.

ok so thats good 35 and 33 thanks.


I assume you have the schematics for the wire loom?

The orange and green wire are pre-wired to ignition drivers, ok - use those if you wish. The remaingin four 0.75 mm² wires are not connected, you already figured out "nc" means "not connected" ? Just look at the EC36 end of the harness, they are there.

The 1.5 mm² red-black wires are +12V fused for ignition coils and according to the schematic go to connector X4 which is the relay harness.

It's all up to you if you want to use different ignition drivers than what's pre-wired to the EC36, or whatever. The orange and green wires are not the only ones you can use - just put them in the proper place for what you want. You have to set it up in VemsTune in the ignition table properly either way. Just because it's pre-wired doesn't mean that the software is set up to use them.


yes thats something I learned, very handy and versatile.  Happy I moved to vems  8).

My next question is connection of idle valve and boost solenoid (vems supplied).  Idle v needs 12v, do i hook up vems to control earth switch or 12v?  Not sure what voltage boost solenoid uses 5v?


Both solenoids use 12v.

And all the injector and ignition outputs ground. So the 12v is feed into the solenoids on the other side .

[email protected]

You might be as well to take a moment and draw up a schematic, at the bottom of:
I've provided a very simple schematic, which you could base pretty much any install on.


Thats a very good guide Rob thanks a bunch, I wont bother you guys anymore with stupid questions  :-*

[email protected]

There are no stupid questions.
If you need to know something, ask.


Quick question on a few issues, from the vems harness blue wire coming out of fuel pump relay its a 12v that can go straight onto pump?
Where can i get a rpm signal from for the clocks?  Is there a start up procedure (first time) on wiki (checked)?


[email protected]

The blue wire from the relay is meant to go direct to your fuel pump.
RPM depends on what your tacho is expecting - you can wire something from VEMS (stepper out, spare P259 channel) or use a diode network from your coil(s) to drive the tacho.
I'm sure I've written about start-up proceedure, basically dont add fuel until your engine has fired up.  Check your sensors first, then make sure that your spark timing is correct, then add fuel.