Technical > Wiring & Sensors

EGT senzor readings jumping around?!

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EGT reading is jumping all around...  ??? But only when I'm driving on LPG. On gasoline it is just fine...

So, I was thinking that the reason is lowZ LPG injectors and active flyback connected on, and installed inside the VEMS box...

I have EGT wires bought in the vems shop (no wire ground shield) and the EGT sensor also (with wire ground shield)..

Any ideas?

BTW, Roadspeed is jumping around also (only on LPG). I use signal from ABS sensor, and LM1815 and frequency divider (by 2)...

Anybody? :?:

I think I have found the solution... Will try today...

This 220nF filter cap isn't shown on schematics, and there is no way that I could have known this... I have spent hours wasting on finding the solution for EGT jumping all a round...  >:( >:(

This is a sticky topic!  :-\

I know its old post... What the solution for jumping EGT with low-z LPG?
Mine jumps for moment like one cyliner overheats. while driving its 1200celsius


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