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Strange problem today...

Started by gox, April 11, 2010, 03:44:53 AM

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Hi all!

Few hours ago i was working on my car,and i stared it and let it idle for a few minutes (noting that i didnt do earlier today) but when i try to rev it up to 5k-6k the engine started to back fire and make a strange sound,something like Launch Control and i also was seeing boost builds up to 150kpa (at around 3k-4k rpm...Realy strange since i havent had my laptop with me and i didnt changed any config settings...

After i connected my laptop my config was normal with no change...ALS off,Launch Control off....everything was like before but i couldnt make it work as before,i even went for a spin and the same thing happens when i was driving it...

Anyone have any idea?

Firmare is 1.0.73,car is BMW E30 with m20 turbo engine   

Here are logs that i made:

Engine need fuel remap after i installed smaller turbo,but car was working fine on idle...
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


Logs show EGOC removing roughly 25% at idle and adding roughly 25% around 4000rpm + full throttle. That in itself is a big problem with quick throttle movent, and I have seen Lambda at 4+ during full throttle transient which could be as a result of the above, or, the acceleration enrichments are not ideal.

Also, I see nothing lower than 1200rpm and 21 degrees advance at that point. Does this engine have wild cams?

I think it just needs a retune. A +-25% error in the fuel map is a major issue.


Hm...EgoC is set to only go rich 10%,but these settings were working until today...?

Yesss, its a track car only and idle is ~1200rpm (medium "wild" cams)

It does needs retune because i swaped the turbo and didnt had time for retune,i was planing to do it tomorrow until this problem showed up today.

I will turn off EgoC and see how it goes,i even try to "disable" ACE,didnt helped...

btw. i`m using single coil with rotor,didnt checked it for a long time,can rotor or cap cause this problems?
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


Not sure if there is anything else that would cause Gve to drop to 74% at idle and 125% at full throtte other than EGOC.


Good morning   ;)

I`ll check it out and how it acts...

E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


I just dumped the log files into vemslogger and realised that my last comments are wrong :D Sorry, but what I do see is that there are severe lean conditions as the throttle is depressed, I have seen lambda 4+ on a throttle transient, which would suggest your acceleration enrichments are out of calibration. this will cause the engine to faulter and perhaps backfire.


That log is from when i disabled the ACE,but look i had bad tuned ACE before also but car worked fine.
Now on first WOT it goes fine,when you let rpm's to drop from 6k to around 3k-4k and then you go WOT again it starts to buckles and backfires like i`m in the Launch control...also there is black smoke :)
I`m telling this because log looks pretty fine and you cant see anything that can be very wrong and this problem showed up from nowhere,one minute before car was working fine and i was preparing it for drift practice...and it sudden started to buckles.

What is "fixALSConfig.bat" option for? Maybe something went wrong with my config....
Maybe i should try reload firmware and then upload my config again...
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar


Thats a thought. 1.0.73 had a funny bug where if you uploaded an MSQ it caused ALS to become enabled.



i had bad contact on injector resistor....  :-\

Tnx Sprocket! :)
E30 2.7 - VEMS,KKK K27.2,Schrick,1bar