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Problem after upgrade to 1.1.63

Started by NOTORIOUS VR, February 11, 2010, 07:03:01 PM

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Last night I attempted an upgrade to 1.1.63 from 1.0.73, I double checked all the settings and everything seemed fine @ first. The car ran smooth and nice.

But reworking the VE table to get rid of stumbles while stationary while blipping the gas I was constantly noticing a stumble at ~2k RPM. Not matter what I did, add/decrease fuel, add/decrease timing the stumble would not go away.

So we went for a drive and found that around 2200RPM no matter what load is applied it seems like there is something pulling either fuel or timing drastically (IGN cut is my guess). I have no idea why. Everything in regards to ALS is disabled. No MAT retard is being used.

Any ideas?



it should show pulsewidth change or ignition change or rpm issue.


hah... you know that was the one thing I didn't do... like a dumbass lol

I only have the CFG saved, and that is on the laptop @ home.  I will post that later... I had to put the car back to 1.0.73 for now and probably will not get a chance to change back until the weekend as the car is driven daily.


Also very strange is that the 1.1.63 upgraded the VE table to 16x14, but the spark table remained 12x12??  Anyone else have that happen before?


Fuel table is 16x14 spark table is 12x12 and lambda target table is 10x10

Check the target table, as it does not transfer across well from your original config, spark will also need attention


Quote from: NOTORIOUS VR on February 12, 2010, 01:24:37 AM
Also very strange is that the 1.1.63 upgraded the VE table to 16x14, but the spark table remained 12x12??  Anyone else have that happen before?
All the tables have separate axis now (used to be common for all tables) so the tables that need attention got more space. The lambda target table could be even smaller than it already is.


^^ gotchya...

anyway, I wanted to update my situation about the stumble and say what I believe fixed issue...

Under the primary trigger settings, it seems after the upgrade the angular width of tooth value was skewed... instead of being 6, it was something like 384.... after changing that back it seemed to have solved the issue.


Always wise to review all settings when upgrading firmware, especialy with such a jump in version. ALOT as changed since 1.0.73


Funny thing was, I did... I just must have skipped over that one setting.... Primary trigger was one of the first settings I checked actually.  Ahh well, live and learn :)


We have all been there and done that :)