Author Topic: Scaling ADC values to common values.  (Read 5799 times)

Offline Mikko_K

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Scaling ADC values to common values.
« on: February 23, 2010, 04:22:44 am »

This question is about scaling ADC values in vemstune(0.10.17).

In this configuration there are two (2) additionals pressure sensors. Which work in range of 0,5v...4,5v ratiometric
Other one  ís 0-1000kPa gauge pressure transmitter and ther one is 0-400kPa absolute pressure transmitter.

Also there is .5v..4,5v temperature sensor (2063ohm @ 25 deg`c)
it would also be nice to have right temperature correctioncurve for temp.sensor.
Like in watertemp and airtemp

I would like to see theese values in vemstune as kPa and deg`c

I know there is an analog input scaling table in program, but dosent make any sense.
Or should i edit vems.ini file to get thoes values to right?
Another solution is to config megatune.ini and write equalitions to there.
And then run vemstune...but, but..
