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IGBT and fets are fully time open after power on

Started by krzycho-g, March 09, 2010, 04:18:53 PM

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I have VEMS v3.3 on soft 1.1.69 and i'am testing connection and calibrating
My driver FETS is IR4427 non-inverted the same as IXDN404 only slower
When I turn the power IGBT and Fets are high state. Connected LEDs and 2,2k resistor to 12V and to IGBT or FETs outputs and LED is ON.
After command mdh32 IGBT EC36-36 (drive 03) for a moment and then turns off again on.
FET channel 1 after command mdh80 turn off(driver input on this channel 0v and after mdh10 turn on (5v on driver input).

Or should not be inverted driver IR4426 ? But what would explain that IGBT also be in high state ?

What am I doing wrong?


OK , i find option in Ignition setting - invert driver output, and now IGBT's is OK.
IXDN404 is non-inverted and IR4427 is non-inverted...where is problem ?
Or is such an option for Injector setting ?


i find next tip: my downloaded firmware 1.1.69 from in file my_make have set parameter: MY_CONF += -D FETDRIVER_INVERTING for old boards.
How change this parameter without recompile firmware ?

[email protected]

Well you could set the FET mask differently.
The fet is set using a binary mask
00000001 = Channel 1
00000010 = Channel 2
10000000 = Channel 8

So if you were to use:
11111110 = 256
11111101 = 253

and so on


Thx for answer. so what I thought...

It is a pity that VemsTune not have this option.

Who has access to sources to be able to compile vems.hex?

Perhaps I could ask someone to compile 1.1.69 with the option NON_INVERTED?

Or under what address should change something in the code?

[email protected]

I think you can set the outputs in a similar way - there's multiple boxes to tick on the outputs.


if you want select the selected checkbox for a single injgroup - no problem.
but now if you want select other and the same checkbox for a other injgroup - selected checkbox for the same input by unselected.

I changed entries for h(0) in config.vemscfg and then imported to VemsTUNE