Technical > Wiring & Sensors

Calibrating temp sensors

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Re: boiling water, would suspending them in a kettle do the job, otherwise I'm not sure how to do it!

I used a cup of freshly boiled water.

I used a kettle to check mine ( wife wandered why I ofered to make her a brew  ;) ).
Tropical fish tank ( fish tried to eat it - nothing new there then  ::) ::) )
and a mug of water out of the hot tap all my reading were spot on so didnt need to calibrate.

all checked with the digital thermometer on my multimeter.


Instead of boiling water you can do the following.

Download the zip file from here:

Unzip it into the directory you copied the VEMS CD contents to (we'll call this the VEMS directory).

Close MegaTune.

Open a command screen change to the VEMS directory, and type:
tempsensor_upload 2252 2252 256

Watch the full stops fill the screen.

Restart megatune once the upload has completed.

Check the temperatures.  I've just done this using the stuff I sent you on a generic VEMS, initially the air temp sensor read 31deg, my thermocouple read 19 deg and the house thermometer read 21deg.

After doing the above the Air temp read 22deg my thermocouple read 19 and the house thermometer read 21deg.


I thought I was IT literate  ??? but "Open a command screen change to the VEMS directory, and type:" has got me stumped, really simple explaination required!


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