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Gauge died ater FW upgrade

Started by ranz, January 31, 2010, 04:06:55 PM

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Yesterday I was setting up the analog output lambda curve and cheked that there is FW upgrade for the gauge (round_2009-10-12). I uploaded the firmware and started to insert the custom lambda curve. The problem was that it could not hold the connection to the gauge, when I start the gauge, it has connection, but after a while it just disconnected itself, restart gauge and it has connection again.
OK, that was not the main problem. The main problem is now that today when I started the car, the gauge showed me just random things and died ??? now I have cheked that the power to it is OK, but the gauge stays  dead. Tried to upload the FW again, and tried to upload older FW, byt the answer what I get is:

What to do now? I can't drive without having power to the lambda...

EDIT:  SSSSS flood does not help also :(

[email protected]

Sorry, but you're going to need to talk to your supplier about this.