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Converting from MegaJolt to VEMS

Started by Tom, December 17, 2009, 12:57:37 PM

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Hi all, a few simple (I hope) questions about what I'm hoping to do: gradually switch from an electronic ignition / carb system to full fuel injection.
I currently run the MJ (using MAP sensor), so have trigger wheel, coilpack, etc... Ideally I'd like to replace it with a VEMS ECU. However, the injection system won't be ready until mid 2010. Until then it'll be only running ignition.

1) Is it possible to use VEMS to only drive the ignition system?
2) Does an ECU come with both a MAP sensor and a TPS sensor as standard? (MJ uses MAP, injection system will use TPS)
3) Would it be possible to simply copy my Megajolt ignition map into the ECU?

The reason I'm looking to do this conversion gradually is to save time. I use the car every day, and if I can get the ECU installed in a weekend early in the year, it'll save me a bit of time later when it comes to putting in the injection setup.



1) Yes. Easily. I think any standalone is capable to such "downgrade"
2) You can purchase VEMS with onboard MAP sensor as option. TPS and MAP signals can be allways used. But if you mean separate load type for injection and ignition... I think - no. On VEMS you can use Speed-density, Alpha-N or blending of both. But chosen strategy relates to both: ignition and injection.
3)Probably not. Or may  be yes, if MJ use Megatune and you can export table in .vex format. Anyway map itself will be just small part of all settings.

To setup car for driving in first day - it is hard for beginner. You need ready config file for your engine or direct help of some experienced user.
What engine is it?


[email protected]

Hi Tom,

What engine are you doing this on?



It's currently a 1293 A+ (in a Mini-based kit car). I'm looking (later in 2010) to replace the carb with a BMW K100 8v fuel injected head. The block will be rebored to 1275 +30.

When I say 'copy' the ignition map across, I don't necessarily mean Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V. If I have to write down the values and re-type them, that's fine. It's more a question about whether or not the MJ map values are equivalent to the VEMS'.

Admittedly, I haven't done much research into this, but if the VEMS ECU was only controlling the ignition, would it not simply require the same inputs and outputs as the MJ? Then again, I suppose there is the EDIS to consider (I'm guessing VEMS can drive the coilpack itself)...


You can just connect the VR sensor into the VEMS,
Wire the coils into the VEMS

configure the crank settings and copy the map, adjust timing until the map matches your timing light and your set.
I have mapped a A series engine with MJ before and VEMS doesn´t have many corrections that will affect timing much.


Wont have any problems, and if you weld a boss onto the exhaust manifold, you can have wideband and EGT monitoring too ;D