Thanks for the idea! That's a nice "fix"
When you look at the big picture though, it would still be nice to have dedicated features like that. Just makes the product seem more "mature".
For big time flexibility it would be nice to have a "custom logic" section, where you could write simple expressions (eg: (speed1>30) and (gear=1) and (tps>80) ).
The result of the expressions could drive the status of internal variables (with custom labels so you can assign meaningful names for them).
These variables could then be used to drive outputs, enable/disable features, scale variables or be part of a bigger control logic.
The basic engine config and trigger setup.... I think it can be done in a simpler more intuitive way...other people said the same thing.
For warmup, idle control and ignition advance (maybe other features) it would be nice to have all the settings and real time feedback on one page. There are many individual things that work in parallel and affect the final result... it's not easy enough to figure out just which "module" has more of a say, at which point in time.
Then, it should be smart enough to do some things by itself:
-turn off closed loop EGO control when the auto-tune in on
-auto-calculate req fuel (all necessary parameters are entered... except fuel type).
-default to max baud rate when trigger-logging. Also have a note right on the triglog page that says you need to crank the engine for min 8 sec.
Those and many other things that once you know them, it's "easy"... but as a newcomer there is a lot of googleing that's needed
no reason why it can't be done in a simple intuitive way.
Bigger maps (16x16) would be nice for high boost/rpm applicatio
I say V4 board, big CPU and memory... then go crazy with autotune/ pattern/ self learning algorithms for boost control, warmup, accel enrichment, etc